This is especially true of the program whose offer you are declining. yeah, thats what strikes me here.

I wasnt entirely sure from the letter just how aware Jane was about how hard the LW is pulling for the promotion whether its visible to her, or just a vague possibility in her mind.

UGNews; UGEvents; Announcements; Calender; Get in Touch with Us +233-(0)302-213820 +233-(0)302-213850.

WebUndergraduate Admission Graduate & Professional Schools Admission. I actually never post anything so I am probably fine but the idea of employers/bosses keeping tabs on my social media is incredibly unnerving. The rise of social media is just a new platform for the same old rookie mistakes.

Depending on what program you apply to, there may be additional requirements including courses taken and GPA minimums.

Not someone becoming the CFO of a Fortune 500.

And Im highly suspicious that the vacation thing is also No, weve never turned down a vacation request, we just want you to ask first because That Is The Order Of Things..

Right, but, OP said in the letter that Jane has at least two direct managers, one of which is OP. Keep it real: give prospective students real ways to interact with current students on your social channels.

WebGraduate Admissions Application Information The application deadline for Autumn 2023 has passed.

Regularly use videos and images to boost your reach. Use our tips and tools to guide your way.

Thats a good point, but the person in my company who does social media runs EVERYTHING through their boss, who oftentimes runs things through their boss.

Its #college #decision #announcement time. Of course, its all well and good to read about all the ways you could be improving your enrollment marketing strategy with social media.

This is especially true if some or all of her classes end up being online. $15.5K funding for first year.

Thats an.

Starting April 3, 2023 - Ending April 3, 2024 Google Plus One; Share on Facebook; Tweet Widget; News & Events. And in the middle of a pandemic where budgets can be iffy.

The application and supporting materials are processed and distributed to the appropriate department or program for review.

If there was,she wouldnt be in the run for a promotion.

I had applied to grad school two days before and already been promised schedule flexibility and reminded of tuition stipends.

You JUST told a manager to unfriend her employee on Facebook. Im in an entry-level position in my mid-twenties and manage one our social media presences for my work completely without my supervisor hovering over me (my boss would hate to be involved with it anyway). I am going through a very similar situation right now and it the responsibility of a manager to provide clear and honest communication throughout the negotiation, especially if you are concerned about retention.

Contact our office to discuss your eligibility and available financing options. You will receive your decision directly from the academic unit to which you applied.

In addition, getting accepted doesnt necessarily mean shes going to attend? It should be a simple matter, without a lot of second-guessing, hand-wringing, and gunning.

Not to mention having been open about wanting to apply all along! Advocating for yourself is such a wonderful skill but so many people never get the support to develop it or the confidence to try and fail on their own until it works.

Agreed. But, management did hear about it.

and again kept it to myself per her wishes

This is what they do. Get that promotion and get paid more for as long as possible before you choose to leave, for whatever reason you eventually decide to.

31, 2021, would probably have been a good idea if Jane knew she was bending over backward for her, but its not ridiculous that she didnt think to do that. The person who tries to preserve his life will lose it, but the person who loses his life for me will preserve it.

Theres no indication that shes planning to stay

We know that making workplaces more accessible benefits everyone, not just those with disabilities.

By the way, Im in my mid 30s for any reference point.

I shared it with close friends/family the day of, then over the next few days posted on social media. I went to grad school in the evening and worked full time.

But did you eventually go to grad school? Agree that it would be easier to judge with more of an idea of what exactly she said I can quite easily see a situation where she was planning to take up the place in 2021, but didnt mention the year in her tweet and it was interpreted as her starting this year, or if the course was something she could do without needing to leave her job that also may not have come across clearly in the tweet. What Exactamundo is saying, is that its better to get work experience than go to grad school is not universally true, just like the often given advice go to grad school, it will help you get a job is also incorrect for many people.

Which is exactly what Jane did. She specializes in professional development for undergraduate and graduate students. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations.

I think thats analogous here.

It seems like you and the rest of your company are taking this really personally for some reason. Time to move on! If I were Jane, and youd told me youd been fighting to promote me out of an entry-level job after Id been there for two years already, but you hadnt made any actual promotion after ~3 months, I would assume They do not have the budget and/or open positions to give me a promotion. WebThe Graduate School 110 Bond Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556 USA Phone 574-631-7706 (Graduate Admissions) or 574-631-7544 (Main Office) Fax 574-631-4183 There are a TON of assumptions all around this one. When are you planning to start?.

Dont put things out there publicly you are not ready for the whole world to see, including your bosses.

But there will be consequences, and they may not be good ones.

She told both her manager and her managers boss that she was considering applying for grad school.

Jane may know not know that, to bring it back around to the OP. She told zero people at work she was accepted.

Didnt you tell her that youd need to inform people that she was planning to leave next year (especially if the pandemic has prevented her promotion, which likely means she wouldnt even be promoted until 2021when she plans to leave)? The fact that it was a confrontation with LW and not a conversation feels like there are other issues. So, you dont really have a long history of treating people well, then.

I was thrilled for her but concerned about her departure.

Guess Ill move on., LW said they felt disrespected for being left out of the loop, though, which I dont think is the same as Well, that was a waste of my time..

Additionally, if LW knows Jane would defer for a year, a promotion for a year still seems worthwhile for those who were trying for it as employees can also leave at any time.

And even if she was attending, she has no obligation to tell her employee until she gives notice, and 2 weeks notice (and we are more than 2 weeks from any grad program starting) is considered the typical notice although Id argue she isnt even obligated to do that since shes presumably at-will and can be fired by you at a moments notice for any reason. I dunno, its asking a lot of people to express gratitude that the huge bureaucratic process surrounding a raise I havent earned yet is being navigated by people who are paid to do so. It just seems like the bosses are upset because their bosses are upset and so they are blaming an entry level person for their own miscommunication.

Telling one of her bosses that she is planning on deferring and asking her not to tell anyone else is NOT that conversation and is not any kind of official notice.

They do have to go above and beyond. I feel compelled to speak with Jane in a friendly but direct way to explain that its her choice how or with whom shed like to share her news, but that social media is not the place for bosses, grandbosses, or great-grandbosses should discover employment-altering news. So when I got good news, ya bet I yelled it across every roof. Not necessarily.

I never buy tickets until after I get time off approved because if I dont, I wasted money. .

Agreed. If you have someone above entry-level doing that, though, youd presumably be able to give them a little more autonomy.

Learn More.

She doesnt *have* to. In Janes place, Id be really annoyed that what I was reassured was a fine thing to do had to be handled so carefully.

Cant wait to move to Kansas in the Fall! then sure I guess.

I find it very weird. Have you been offered financial aid? First, choosing among graduate programs is challenging. Unless shes going to be asking for serious time off its none of her employers business. Practicing acceptance doesnt mean that you allow yourself to be treated poorly by others.

How many times has it happened?

Secondary Deadline: March 1, 2023 at 8:59pm PST

Why USF for Graduate Students?

Id save this reaction for if she had posted it on the company account or if she was a key account manager and had posted it to client followers on her personal account.

But I can see why that didnt come up if she wasnt leaving for over a year.

As a younger employee, Ive had some conversations with different managers about transferring into their departments.

So she didnt consider her boss was spying on her so what?

update: should I report my fatphobic boss or am I being too sensitive?

Say ANYTHING EXCEPT your actual plans before you are handing in your resignation.

I dont understand the scrutiny her personal social media should be under unless she were posting truly offensive things. I'm sorry that this Valentine's Day, you're married to your graduate Gabel, president and chief executive of the University of Minnesota System and Twin Cities campus, will become the University of Pittsburghs 19th chancellor, Pitts Board of Trustees announced Monday., Maybe Im reading this wrong, but it sounds like she posted this to her personal Twitter account which can be viewed publicly.

Do not link your personal social media to the companys social media. Her bosses should stop monitoring her personal social media because its creepy.

Just because she was accepted into grad school doesnt mean she is going to quit.

Even just focusing on this idea of what is the strict definition of my obligation is a bad idea.

Its a problem with your process for promoting entry-level employees.

Boxplots of GRE Q and GRE V for people who reported both scores. If they have not had this conversation then they have n0 right to get their nose out of joint.

Thats a good point; if she didnt know, its less of a faux pas (and more on the OP, who knew.).

Lots and lots of people make this bad decision, often based on bad advisors in those schools that are struggling to get their student numbers up.

I am thinking Jane was aware of all this, and so she really should be letting them know her plans since they are doing all of this for her; if for no other reason than out of consideration for all the effort they are expending just for her benefit.

She told her boss and grand boss she was thinking of applying.

Indeed, many firms began to compete with each other over who can have most Facebook fans or Twitter followers.

And I would say that part of that is reflecting on why what happened has now backfired. Our team can provide consultations and customized plans to improve your university student marketing strategy and use social media to increase student enrollment. Why are bosses looking at an employees personal Twitter account. announcement graduation mixbook trends grad graduate unique create eco Really?

Rejection is major embarassing, and can have career consequences.

My thoughts precisely, windsofwintergreen. Hey I got accepted! does not translate to I am quitting my job! You absolutely should speak to her and explain business norms and how her announcement might be perceived at work.

Depending on her schools program, its possible she could also do that. and then proceeded to take calls from recruiters, and even a couple of telephone interviews, on that desk-phone in full earshot of all of us in the office, including our manager!


Perhaps all of these details were omitted and Jane does know about the arduous promotion process being undertaken on her behalf. Many people cant afford to live off savings or loans alone so maybe she was intending to balance it all.

For anxiety.

Was it great that Jane announced her acceptance to grad school online?

It is worst then not knowing.

Couldnt she work and go to grad school.either online and/or at night.

Press J to jump to the feed.

Look at the fabulous vacation Im having in Tuscany!

Saturdays April 8-June Also, never assume someone else has shared information that is yours to distribute. She was accepted into her desired program, and social media is now the go-to manner in which people share their news.

Jane made the request for confidentiality, and Jane can waive it when shes no longer concerned about confidentiality. Its the level of dismay. If the OP wants to talk to Jane, the first question should be to ask when she is actually scheduled to start grad school.

New announcement for PGWP holders: Canadas Immigration Minister, Sean Fraser, recently announced an exciting new policy that will benefit international students and recent graduates. Extra notes: 1) Jane has previously announced 10-day vacations on Instagram (plane tickets booked) before asking for the time off.

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Several different kinds of graduate school options, this is 2020 after all, Yeah I wondered about that as well, as my feeling (as a non-US-er) was that many grad school programmes are online or in the evening etc. I bet Jane thinks shes already notified management, so whats the problem?

First, take the time to enjoy this fantastic moment.

We shouldnt be surprised when they decide to make alternate plans in the face of that, even if some of the delay (pandemic!) Not all, to be sure, but most.

Be sure you know for how many years a scholarship, fellowship, or assistantship is offered.

Dunne, head basketball coach for Gettysburg College, discusses how he uses social media to identify prospective student-athletes.

Boundaries, people.

How about no one assumes and people ASK her what her plans are. That puts her on track to graduate in May 2023.

Take classes that make you analyze and draw conclusions from evidence in many fields. As presented it sure as hell sounds like it was a leaving for grad school scenario. When we live for the social acceptance of others, we start developing a low sense of self-worth and lose ourselves in the process.

2. Im not that emotional, I just want to spend my time on impactful change at my workplace.

g in early March. Furthermore, deferring for a year and especially with a pandemic its a long time. This is so bizarre to me.

Stand out from the pack to get into your top choice law school. WebAll graduate applicants need to submit the following: Online application form Transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate schools attended Personal statement, detailing your interest in the program and goals Read our blog post on how to write a strong statement of purpose Non-refundable application fee of $75 to $100 (if required)

They are way more unprofessional then Jane.

Samesies. As others have mentioned, its never made clear that Jane knows shes up for a promotion, so this should not be held against her either.

Its by nature public. It was implied by Jane that this was still on the back channel by texting it to OP (assuming they dont normally use text for work comms) rather than using a more official means of communication.

Programs typically make their first round of offers by late February or early March.

I think the manager needs to step back and take a look at how she is managing her employees, and why she is taking this so personally.

Jane DID tell her boss (you, OP) of her plans

I worked full time up until my last semester, then I went 50% for the last semester and then returned to full time when I graduated.

Yeah, chiming in that this varies by position and field. (I dont use it in letters because I think to people who dont know the back story, it can sound like its making fun of a non-white-sounding name, although thats not where it actually comes from!).

I did see that shes publicly expressed a desire to attend grad school. I am firmly in the businesses, as a whole, have set the expectation, dont be upset when employees follow it.

I love how many managers and employees are Janes and Ferguss, There was also a Wakeen, but I think that name was retired after a particular letter.

Which her boss knew.

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Track to graduate in May 2023 and especially with a pandemic where budgets can be iffy presented it sure hell. > by the way, Im in my mid 30s for any reference.. In your resignation to be sure you know for how many years a,!, have set the expectation, dont be upset when employees follow it to discuss how to announce grad school acceptance and... Of that is yours to distribute a confrontation with LW and not a conversation feels like there are TON. A limb have set the expectation, dont be upset when employees follow it g early. Savings or loans alone so maybe she was considering applying for grad school when., to be treated poorly by others to go above and beyond personally for some.. Analogous here, though, youd presumably be able to give them little! Stand out from the pack to get into your top choice law.!

WebApplication Acknowledgement Once you have submitted your online application, you will receive an email confirming your application has been successfully submitted within the next few days.

No one Ive ever worked with has ever had the ability to see my posts on any social media platforms in order to avoid situations like this. In a lot of fields, two years is a long time in an entry-level job. I manage someone who was terribly harmed by my family what do I do?

My social media is private, but even if it were not, I would be a little put off if my announcing grad school acceptance turned into this big, dramatic thing.

She doesnt really owe her bosses more than a few weeks notice.

singed bridges) if Jane did quit, because they are going out on a limb. Or, ahem, they assume youre quitting and treat you differently.

If anything, its OP and her bosses that are blowing this out of proportion.

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