Carls*ad has si*, and both Hobbs anJ Roswell placed five players. Coach Steve Graham of Clovis by far won the largest following for Coach of the Year honors with Ralph Tate of Alamogordo, L. G. Henderson of Artesia and Dewey Johnson of Roswell winning a vote apiece. r * Fll MeHlnR (lames of and refreshments will and predicted more concrete de-jdrive lo velpments will Saturday launched a two-pronged '^li ._ . ; and a sister, Cajrie, of Bartleti, Tex. . FFVA awards are not given for college degree education; for this they have grants in aid. . Nn.n Winn nf n,!,,,,., the legislature from now to the it acknowledged r-onlH ri,,..i.. Mrs. N;',n Jordan of Odcss; Named as pallbearers lend of the session. County Ministerial Alliance will Richmond, both of Amarillo, Tex..;hold its regular monthly meeting told police that the following items [at 11:30 a.m. Monday in'the Silver were taken from the car: Two suits; a suitcase; jackets; shirt; a pair of slacks; and aiministrator. 11 Is believed most Soviet Inunchings have taken iplfce enrly in the morning. "Oul- of-state schools, faced by growing enrollments, just don't want to accept one of our young men and turn a/way their own," he said. Law enforcement officials say about 90 per cent of all automobiles stolen in th United States are recovered. Clovis Commission on Older Adults 3 p.m., Assembly Room at Clovis City Hall, 321 N. Connelly. pulled within three points, and three times in the final got within three points ton I coul never cut the margin further. Hill, Alamogordo, Roswell, and Delaney, Hobbs. Class AA State Football Champions, dominates the first official District 2- AA all-star Icam, with thrse Artesia Bulldog linemen, two members of the Alamogordo Tigers, and the Roswell Coyotes' backfield star rounding out the first eleven. MAPLE HOSTESS CARTS $ 54" Reg, 89.95 HASSOCK Reg. Tex., re her 67-year-old father, 'mas J. Upchurch, died Friday he home of his only son Thomas : She will help make arrange- nts for the funeral to be held in arillo, where Mr. Upchurch for- rly lived. Cause of the blaze is un- known. ., movies were shown, with film: now they can be seen being made during the basket- fields jvhere snow has melted ball season, which were most : ~ interesting. Browse our newspaper collections to learn about historical topics. Beg. Reg. Newspapers from 1607 to Today 280+ million digitized newspaper pages 3 billion articles and photos Content from 46 countries and all 50 states Over 9 Billion names indexed Newspapers from 1607 to Today . police force. Clovis News Journal (1940 - 1949) Clovis: New Mexico: Refine Keywords. Jc cream and punch. Damage: car, $75; pickup, none. However, the opposition to higher rate* on uranium, race tracks and state grazing lends may be even stronger, "lobbywise." Hall Art Class (Advanced) TAKE NOTE: If you wish transportation to the Monday ; The serving table was 1 si d with a white linen cloth and decorated with green clover em- btemi scattered all over the i---- - r,-- Stire'n there's something spe-j evening meeting, just dial Cora Bun, then played for several hours, j cial about the Irish. . A. C. Hayes obtained one to 'construct a block building for Roy Andrews at 1628 Wallace which will be used as a pickup laundry. . 23 thru of. Mrs. John White mad* arrangements for the spring time decorations with the added help of Mrs. Richard McKinney and Mrs. Bob Johnson. The urenium companies and olh- businesses dolfl2 busujesa win .j_ . Clovis News Journal, Police searching for person of interest in shooting, Press release: Clovis police looking for person of interest, Shooting supposedly over stolen stereo, according to police report, Clovis man in stable condition after shooting, Press release: Clovis police investigating Friday shooting, Press release: Clovis Police launch text messaging tip service, Police investigating possible drive-by shooting, Tucumcari officer charged with breaking and entering, Muleshoe shooting suspect remains in hospital. . Timberlake gave Kennedy a one deed here Friday night of a gun-'ator R. C. Morgan ehnm ,^llr,,l ir, fh Unn>1 I . Clovis children acting as young models for the event will be Tonya Johnson, Pamela Terry, Jill Butler, Kelley Bagley Helen Hecht, Julia Dalbom; Melinda, Rose Ellen Pattison- John David and Sally Threet; Jolayne Houtz, Lori Liles, Robert Boese, Melissa Miller, Mara Sue Reinier; Tony and Michele Priest; March and Layne WcKinney; Dawn and Chuek Martin; Patrick Cheney, Zandy Kelley; Nancy and Laura Wallace; Tracee and Tandce Thomas; Maryl Neff, and Melanie Gilbert. , . The wearin' of the Shamrock . We are confident that we have the newspapers that will increase the value of your family history or other historical research. 259 DPI Leased Wires CLOVIS, NEW MEXICO, MON r COVERED! It's as it should be. Get access to this page with a Free Trial, Millions of additional pages added every month. Merry Christina businessmen! With at least one of the words. Beg. vin;i . deadl'. , Ofer . Clovis man pleads not guilty in murder case November 22, 2016 By Douglas Clark Staff Writer CLOVIS A Clovis man entered a not guilty plea in district court Tuesday on the heels of a grand jury returning a second-degree murder indictment against him in connection with an October fight that left a man dead. It will be in the Charles Steed Memorial Chapel, lurial will be in Mission Garden Merjlorles. The advanced search offers filters to narrow your search for more precise results. Colored might have a little different out- Djckworth said ho is afraid New Mexico soon is going to be faced with a very real problem due to its lack of a medical school. We invite you to visit the archive often, as additional pages will be added as they become available. Page 16 The largest online newspaper archive Subscribe Sign-in Get access to this page with a Free Trial March 17,. Each [Monday. wards, pleaded guilty on a disturbance charge, and was fined $15; Liridsey Theo Cornelius, 25, of Amarillo, Tex., was released on a Orange, N. J.; three brothers, Uke and John of Crockett and Do of Port Arthur, Tex. 20% OFF URGE SELECTION NOW IN STOCK!! The new raider boss came to Tccl> in 1958, and before arriving on the Lubbock campus was coach at Enid, Okla., high schools, a,t Tulane, Texas and Texas A&M universities. virginia state police phone number non emergency, why do you want to be a psychologist interview question. With our 7-day free trial, you can view the documents you find for free. We are confident that we have the newspapers that will increase the value of your family history or other historical research. [ Stone and received more of its p.m. Monday. the city and those within precincts 3, <l, 14, 15, and 17-A, or the portions thereof lying within the Clovis School District. Match 17, Texico High School Seniors Entertained With Dinner TEXICO (Special) - The Texico High School .Senior Class was honored with a dinner in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hr- shed Hughes, Friday night. Complete Stock of Lamps, Accessories Pictures and Plagues Including Chandeliers 20%off Some up to 50% OFF 33x47 inch plate glass MIRRORS Walnut Frames Regularly 5 39.95 Ea. Individual plate favors were St. Patrick's hats decorated with silver glitter. of Roosevelt County Son- 18. of 409 Jones and Leonard C. Morgan. Otoro said he He at 515 Prince. The bowling center, with the ex- Ha Fe ran n oven. You'll notice a change in how logging in looks. scored 2G I Halfbacks Lorcn Rossen, Clo- jvis,' and Fred Simms, Alamogor- jdo. With the exact phrase. A .pickup driven by John Gail, 46, of Cannon AFB, and a car driven by Ruby McCormlck, 22. of 518 Johnson, collided at Grand and Maple. Ciovls press a 18 still Late in the third stanza to hold to 12 scoring margin, bill] trailed the Raiders. Ybarra. . fish out of their holes. Dresser & mirror, chest, 2 nite stands, canopy bed, Beg. Edward Altieri, 25, of Albuquerque, was unresponsive at the scene and later declared deceased at Plains Regional Medical . well and Pood. Game Party, friendly visiting and refreshments. The emphasis is on vocational aid. u. i j w<.i_iAhiitn<^, i, iiv* t i tin i.^ 17t( i^ I nrl i > *il(lUS>lJIt.U I I 1 | V *IU if t * I I I J (Sco picture on pu K e 21 for vot .hoartbeats" from space on Thurs ivis. ")',' nik "was launched in the Soviet 1.941 voles were cast. i\ Is Your Fire INSURANCE UP-TO-DATE? The Clovis High Parent-Teacher Association has a meeting planne|| for Monday night. Our collection dates back to 1607. John Ferguson conducted the funeral at 2:30 p.m. in the Bovina Baptist Church. Clovis man arrested in Amarillo on September Clovis drug charges By The Staff of The News Amarillo - A Clovis man has been arrested in Amarillo over discovery of fentanyl and methamphetamine discovered in a September search of properties he owns in Clovis. Tomorrow night Clovis fans and parents gather to pay homage lo Coach Steve Graham and hii Fighting Wildcats, but after that even the various all-state teams will be anti-climaxes. Burial will be in Portalcs j succeeding Sputnik was heavier. Years from now fans will recall "rancni- her I960, the year Clovis won . J. R. Hardley, Sr. R. F. D. Texico, 88135 has this week returned from Memorial Hospital. Copyright 2023 Pakistan means "Land of the Pure" in Urdu. Requested URL:, User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/15.5 Safari/605.1.15. (Staff Photo) BanquetMonday Parents, students, businessmen,, quet will be several Red Raider and sports fans in gcneraJ arc urg- football stars, including all-Amer- ed to attend' the Wildcat Club's jican center E. J. llolub and John- FIRST TEAM Pla.Vr School Chiss Don Luce Alamogordo Senior Jimmy Gee Clovis Senior Richard Ybarra Clovis Senior Glen Trouble-field Arlesia Senior Richard Morris Artesia Senior Dennis Tidwell Arlesia Senior Ronnie Bowman Clovis Senior Bobby Prince Clovis Senior Jimmy Reynolds Clovis Junior Dick Graves Roswell Senior Ray McDonald Alamogordo Soph'mor Most Valuable Player: McDonald, Alamogordo Coach of Year: Steve Graham, Clovis By DAltYL HALL News-Journal Snorts Editor . Alamogordo Jim Jasper, tackle, Russell Smith, halfback, and Fred Pax. Tickets may be purchased at the door for $1.25. We were truly sorry that we had to call off the meeting for last Monday evening, on account of the snow and slick walks and pavements . Members of the class were Marshall Faught, Greg Burns, Rody Pearch, Janet Wil son, Rickey Stanley, Paul Urios t, Manuel Marline?, Johnny Gonzales and Lynn Hughes. Duckworth said by way of explanation. Accompanying King to the ban- Farwell Females Boys Beaten ny Lovelace, sophomore quarterback from Farwell. $184.50 . with the District 2-AA rushing title, gaining over 400 more yards than his nearest opponent, Jimmy Reynolds of Clovis, Reynolds, with one more year of eligibility, gained 1,015 yard* on 202 carries in 11 games for ft five-yard average, while the 195-pound McPonaia needed only 10 game* and 19? closer! We're sorry, but the webpage you are trying to view has been blocked in your country. Mrs. Pearce was in charg of all the games for the evening. Active gamrs were j Sen/or Citizens News By MABEL GRAY ABDILL-; Thursday 8: a.m. - Hospitali- SM1TH i ty House - Men's Pancake AVE, SAINT PATpICK! ' Clovis News Journal, Volunteers bring Lighthouses dinner together, Who else? . Brown, treasurer; and to be very slight. \v. She would have been six in April, Surviving are the parents; a brother, Brad; the grandparents. J T KING Texas Tech Reynolds and McDonald's baokfield huddles are quarterback Bobby Prince of Clovis ami halfback Dick Graves of the lute- arriving Roswell 'Coyotes. Looking for more information? Beg. Maternity wardrobes will be modeled by Mrs. Dugar Wagner and Mrs. W. T. Carpenter. Robert O. Tomlinson, pastor, will officiate. We've updated our systems to enhance security for you. bnn".uet. Genealogy and family history records include: obituaries, births, & marriages. Billy P. Clenver. present its substitute ithan In 1959> Also !t is Mechem' plan to^ponents anti-union plan million from next are threatening to attack three . The Clovis News (1911-1921) All newspaper archives for January 2, 1976 Browse Order a high-quality 18"x24" poster print of the page above. Dawn and Chuck will be among about 30 youngsters of Clovis, Grady and Texico participating in the show. search, read, clip & save 5.6 billion names from 3.16 billion newspaper articles. lne next week its support of tin- cast their ballots at the Fort Sum-jP lan (o "neutralize" the feuding ner City Hall, at Yeso, and E i'factions ^ and create a fwlr-rr.lion- Ei|||Ai*fll Diihlap. A St. Patrick centerpiece ( df green and whit* and napkins carried out th motif. who are supposed to be intcresicj] in boostering students and proviq ing the school with a more some environment, have "refu^ ed" to cancel their meeting. Survivors include his wife; four _ sons, Bud and Alfred of Crockett Grand was sentenced lo 10 dayslTc.x., Dick of MineraJ Wells Tex m jail on a drunkenness charge; land Henry of Boviita; one daueh,' Betty Jean Parrot t. 22, of 308 Ed-! Tass said its orbit, \v~<. Damage of the Railroad Retirement Board car was eslimaledjwill be here at 1 p.m. Wednesday at J5. 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