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The Celebration Farm 4696 Robin Woods Lane NE Iowa City, Iowa 52240 Phone: (319) 800-9212
Where Can I Stay near Iowa Events Center?
"This hotel was worth a stay. var in_mm = inDateArr[0];
Nestled in the beautiful countryside of Sioux City, IA, Country Celebrations Event Center specializes in creating memorable events of all types. document.getElementById('zas').value = "50";
if(pastDateChk(checkOutDateMini) || checkOutDateMini == ""){
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Hotels near Johnson County Historic Poor Farm, Iowa City Select your dates to find an excellent . .qselect,.qselecta{margin-left:0}
The pool water was freezing, and the whirlpool was out of order, with just a few inches of standing water in it.
"+H[1]:"";if(G===g){var F=this.triggerHandler("getData"+H[1]+"!
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Nice bathroom with lighted mirror. });
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We cultivate 14+ acres with a wide array of vegetables, perennials, herbs, cover crops and sometimes fruit; we specialize in several heirloom hard-neck garlic varieties. 19493 Co Hwy S56, Steamboat Rock, IA 50672. (515) 290-2158.
if( (! return false;
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will get a room or suite that matches
We've got 150 hotels you can pick from within a mile of Iowa Events Center. }, 5000);
var outday = new Date(document.getElementById("chk_out2").value);
var bcurr_year = bdatePlus360.getFullYear();
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The hotel's 56 guestrooms and.
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The upscale red barn sits at the edge of the beautiful wooded acreage, offering fantastic views from the wrap around deck. !F(T[3],V).length},header:function(T){return/h\d/i.test(T.nodeName)},text:function(T){return"text"===T.type},radio:function(T){return"radio"===T.type},checkbox:function(T){return"checkbox"===T.type},file:function(T){return"file"===T.type},password:function(T){return"password"===T.type},submit:function(T){return"submit"===T.type},image:function(T){return"image"===T.type},reset:function(T){return"reset"===T.type},button:function(T){return"button"===T.type||T.nodeName.toUpperCase()==="BUTTON"},input:function(T){return/input|select|textarea|button/i.test(T.nodeName)}},setFilters:{first:function(U,T){return T===0},last:function(V,U,T,W){return U===W.length-1},even:function(U,T){return T%2===0},odd:function(U,T){return T%2===1},lt:function(V,U,T){return UT[3]-0},nth:function(V,U,T){return T[3]-0==U},eq:function(V,U,T){return T[3]-0==U}},filter:{PSEUDO:function(Z,V,W,aa){var U=V[1],X=I.filters[U];if(X){return X(Z,W,V,aa)}else{if(U==="contains"){return(Z.textContent||Z.innerText||"").indexOf(V[3])>=0}else{if(U==="not"){var Y=V[3];for(var W=0,T=Y.length;W=0)}}},ID:function(U,T){return U.nodeType===1&&U.getAttribute("id")===T},TAG:function(U,T){return(T==="*"&&U.nodeType===1)||U.nodeName===T},CLASS:function(U,T){return(" "+(U.className||U.getAttribute("class"))+" ").indexOf(T)>-1},ATTR:function(Y,W){var V=W[1],T=I.attrHandle[V]?I.attrHandle[V](Y):Y[V]!=null?Y[V]:Y.getAttribute(V),Z=T+"",X=W[2],U=W[4];return T==null?X==="!=":X==="="?Z===U:X==="*="?Z.indexOf(U)>=0:X==="~="? if(document.getElementById('countryf'))
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- $150 pet fee if staying 7 nights or more - $75 pet fee if staying fewer than 7 nights. "The hotel staff was friendly, accommodating, and provided updates and information as needed. The hotel was OK, but the bathroom sink needed cleaning. The room was clean and spacious, and the rates were competitive. document.getElementById('attspan').style.color="#333333";
Book the best deals of hotels to stay close to Johnson County Historic Poor Farm with the lowest price guaranteed by! var theDate2 = new Date();
"Great location. Date Published: 10/25/2021.
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