And I see no reason to believe that a female leader with a military at her disposal would feel averse to using it. If I penalize you by putting you in prison for lying in court, it will further harm the children. Of course men and women are different but any two people are different. Project management software is built for collaboration and teamwork in real-time. Matriarchy is a social system in which women hold the primary power positions in roles of authority. People tend to believe too much of what their being told and its a pity because then, when the truth comes out everyone becomes blind to it and then chooses the lie over the truth. Is that in the hands of men or women?". It is likely that their higher levels of the male aggression hormone "testosterone" is the cause - the same instincts that make them excell in sports makes them excell in crime. On the other hand, patriarchy is a strong advocate of materialism. The fact is that men are totally useless at ruling our world. Disadvantage: Endless Red Tape. Where have I said that? This benefit allows each partner to tackle tasks based on their areas of specialty. Women have had equal access to education for the last half century. But patriarchal propaganda doesn't like to acknowledge this. Now you're shifting goalposts. But according to you, it is as much as women's fault as it is men's fault. But it is still mostly black men who are the leaders of the black community. This is why both men and women would be better of living in a matriarchal society. "At present female politicians have to join patriarchal political parties and prove themselves to be macho men to be taken seriously. Hi CSR , I care a lot about humans as individuals. She was murdered by a Christian mob after being accused of witchcraft and godlessness and of causing religious turmoil. "Lucy, who is it that invents and builds and uses weapons of mass destruction? Patriarchy thinks in another way. Your position is that the other sex definitely will do a better job. There are far more male killers than female killers. , If you are going to claim that saying that men and women are different is sexism . . Women are not in the decision-making process within a patriarchal society. @2022 - All Right Reserved. I already answered this several times. Yes, men may not want violence but they are aggressive and competitive with each other and this gets completely out of hand, where we do end up with violence. In other words, women who try to get ahead in any patriarchal institution, has to act and behave like competitive and ruthless men, because if she was to show her caring and maternal nature, she would be condemned as being weak and sentimental. They were a century before their time. Muslems hate Jewish and Christian men, Christian and Jewish men hate Muslems. But women are likewise motivated by their maternal instinct. And now you've also declared women naturally less intelligent than men. You stated that "most men who seek to invent or innovate are not "given" the tools, money, education and encouragement to do this. Things can only change when we have matriarchal political parties where women are free to be themselves and not have men tell them how to behave. Where is your peer reviewed research that tells you this? So this is why we need to have Matriarchal political parties of only women, so they do not have to compete within their party with very competitive men and together can create a powerful sisterhood. You insist this is true, whereas it is obvious to me that men and women are very different. Please don't make it other people's problem. So positive discrimination towards nurturing and maternal women is a very, very small price to pay, if it leads to us living a more caring and loving world. If you were successful on the battle field then you were more likely to be king. But the same mentality still there, men do not fight for power with swords but with words. Throughout history it has been men who have ruled our world. It is developing into a yes it is, no its not argument. Your ideal image of women doesn't leave any room for such a possibility but I'm not here to discuss your picture of how women should be or how you like them. This is why I wan't women to rule instead. My point?I think women are more risk averse than violence averse. An ideal world would be run by white feminist women such as myself. All the matriarchal societies of the Neolithic age had men. In the end if we want a peaceful world then we need far, far more women in positions of power, thoughout the world. Alternatives must be more seriously embraced! However, women are more risk-averse than men are. Most sociologists and anthropologists deduce denial of basic and essential rights. It's a successful way. Firstly, yes, things could be a lot worse and secondly you only count the bad things and ignore the good things which means youre biased. As a hierarchical structure grows, its hierarchy grows, too. Incompetent or corupt people can mess up any system, know matter how good it is. If we look at female politicians today, they are given a hard time if they want to get into any position of power and end up having to act and behave like men to get anywhere. Do you do so for the sake of argument, that you may gain some satisfaction in asserting your bias as well as your social and political views where it naturally doesn't belong nor is wanted? Many historians are of the view that matriarchy evolved from depravity and anarchy. Because THAT is how women perpetrate violence in the public sphere. This even happens in the West where rapist will complain that it was the fault of the women he raped because of the way she dressed. When i talk about brainwashing what i mean is that i find it really incredible that men have ruled our world for thousands of years and in that time we have wars, genicide and poverty, but you tell me that it may not have nothing to do with male rule!? It is women maternal and nurturing instincts that would make women far better rulers of our world, as they would care far more about the people they rule, than male rulers. Nothing wrong with that. This greater interests has been demonstrated by Dr. Simon Baron Cohen to begin as early as the neo-nate stage: newborn boys stare longer at mechanical objects, and newborn girls stare longer at faces. matrilineal society, also called matriliny, group adhering to a kinship system in which ancestral descent is traced through maternal instead of paternal lines (the latter being termed patrilineage or patriliny). Absolutely nothing, and how come you claim to not be interested in speaking with others who do not agree with you when by reading Wabond's article above this should have been obvious and you should have avoided this in advance? And so, it has indeed been men who have been responsible for such inventions that humanity tends to boast about, however these "inventions" that we all use have only primarily benefited one species, the human species at the expense of all life on earth, the very life that we depend on to survive. I think I've learned about wild animals. A business partnership may be one of the paths you've considered to help grow your business or to answer your current business needs. You are not prepared to argue on the main points and try to divert the argument onto side issues of little importance. Men have a competitive instinct and women have a maternal instinct and these instincts make a big difference in the way men and women behave. Perhaps the failure of female leadership of the time is not appreciating just how dangerous men were. I know that opinions are sometimes wrong. Speak your mind all you wish, but stop speaking other peoples minds. The point I am making about this, is that the masculine, competitive instinct drives men towards, conflict, violence and warfare. Differences between what men and women? In the case of Countess Bathory, all of the men who obeyed her orders were executed, and she was given house arrest. It is because their basic instincts pushes them in that direction. I amwell, I'd be insulted if I wasn't so used to it. Just because you don't see female competition because you're not affected by it, does not mean it's any less aggressive than male competition. In simple words, this system is for the mothers of a family. Men's bodies produce far more testosterone than what women's bodies do and it is this hormone that makes a man's body physically stronger. You further say "I think this discussion is done. If we have a matriarchal system based on the nurturing feminine ideals then people will vote for politicans who are not great military leader or successful con men but geniuine caring and loving people. It makes me realise just how brainwashed the population has been by patrairchal properganda. To obtain clear images, patient must remain still. Before we had democracy, it would have been impossible for women to rule any country, because men ruled through violence and intimidation, and women would find it hard to compete with men in a world of violence, It is true we have had, in the past, Queens like Elizabeth 1 of England and Catherine the Great of Russia, but they had to still rule governments, dominated by men with male values. Men can continue to be scientists, engineers and mechanics in a matriarchal society. Matriarchy is not this perfect utopia, but it is a society that is based upon the well-being of all life on earth and is a vision worth striving for even if it brings me great suffering. We cannot always believe what is reported by the officials we must trust no one, and question everything. How are boys suppose to develop in a patriarchal society where we are taught to be macho, aggressive and brutal towards others? If you are going to claim that saying that men and women are different is sexism then you are going against common sense. If you can't see any of that, well, there's not a whole lot more to say. How strong and cohesive is that community?" If I take away the house or withhold a share of the assets, it will harm the children. Search my user name when you have a revelation that women are actual persons capable of personal agency and sovereignty, and who are fully capable of being held responsible for their own actions. I would say that women most often become violent when they have been brutalized, because the extreme trauma suffered completely ruins a human being without assistance; yet there have been women who have been raped and severely brutalized that have chosen to do the right thing, but what then is the right thing? yes, these atrocities were mostly committed by men but that does not mean that the majority of men would want to do such things. As I have said before over 99% of the violence in our world is done by men. 1. If you want women to rule the world, fine. Women cannot compete against men when they use violence. I think you have deeply misunderstood where Wabond is coming from, I know for a fact and he has even admitted it himself that he is not trying to put women on a pedestal, nor see women as perfect goddless-like and infallible beings, hell no one here has ever said that, however, men have done a good job at symbolically idealizing themselves as such and still do even today, just take a look at the Vatican where the pope's word is considered God's word on earth! You are however not interested in political systems and won't or can't say what exactly will be changed. It is too bad that like pedophiles these monsters are freed to walk among us! " A woman will serve almost equal time as a man for shoplifting, but for something like murder, she enjoys a huge gendered discount in criminal court. Truth is, most men in the West have no more freedom of expression than their grandfathers did, and it certainly isn't helping when these male feminists dismiss their issues (e.g. Which is just a better wording of what I said earlier. Females did not inherit, unless there were no male heirs. This is not popular type and is uncivilized in many societies of the world. That was the identity of Spartan Masculinity, Spartan women supported their men by giving them strength and pride through saying that. In other words, in male competition, there is no equality, and this has been the case in every society ruled by men. Multiculturalism can also be beneficial for companies. When women believe there is little to no risk of getting hit back harder,they can and will be as violent as men. The reason would be that women have a powerful nurturing instinct. Rinse and repeat. Women on the other hand have a powerful maternal and nurturing instinct. On the other hand, patriarchy is a strong advocate of materialism. And yes, patriarchy has evolved to the degree we now have democracy in some countries of our world. We are far more likely to have caring people rule our world, if we have women only matriarchal political parties, who get into power. Given that cultures have undergone a kind of social evolution since the beginning of civilization, the absence of any matriarchy could be taken as evidence that matriarchal societies are less prosperous. cross dressing, femininity, wearing dresses, etc) as being invalid and unimportant, simply due to the fact that they (the male feminists) have never had to go through them, and therefore have no idea what it's like to be born into the body of a "feminine" man, which leads them to believe that all men are somehow "overprivileged". It is crazy to say men and women are the same when it is so clear that they are not the same. Pretty much all the evidence I've seen points to the fact that women are just as competitive and violent as men--they just use proxies to enact that competition and violence in some spheres of life. No person would want to do that, unless driven by a powerful maternal instinct. The animals reproduce by mating and reproducing a new generation. This is not much different to the way stags, bulls and rams with big horns, charge each other every spring. Stop all this matriarchy, patriarchy rubbish and look at the real issue, upbringing. Yes, I agree the ordinary man doesn't want violence but patriarchal rule tends to put the worse possible leaders in power. The idea of an all female government is ridiculous. Here are some of the disadvantages of insurance: 1. But if you want to be pernickety about it, yes it is people who commit violence but over 99% of the people who do this, are men. William Bond (author) from England on August 22, 2011: Patriarchal politicians can be both male and female. Repeating the same fallacy over and over again does not make it any more convincing. "I think the problem is this feminist dogma that says men and women are the same. So this argument has been a help for womens empowerment. The only way we can have this proof is for women to start ruling countries. If that is the case, why would women do a better job at ruling the world? Therefore, a group of Christians, led by a man named Peter, kidnapped Hypatia on her way home, took her to the Church called Caesareum. To counter arguments like this, women stated that men and women are the same, and continued to say this in 1960 -70s with the Womens Liberation Movement. You could make an enormous list of things that are virtually or exactly the same with both men and women. Slight movement can ruin the image, requiring retesting. Copyright @2022 All Right Reserved Designed and Developed by Maven Logix, Patriarchy Vs Matriarchy: Understanding the Difference, Pros and Cons of Patriarchy vs Matriarchy, Superwomen breaking the myths and handed-down opinions, The desi dad syndrome that every middle-class kid can relate to, 20 Things That Pakistani Millennials Miss From Their Childhood. And in our competitive patriarchal world is seems that the most competitive and aggressive people get to the top. Anyone who thinks women are inherently dovish should read up on Margaret Thatcher, Indira Ghandi and Elisabeth Bathory. Deal with that or let the statement go. Women still have a hard time if they want to be a scientist or engineer. Even removing the largest single univariate difference (sensitivity), there remained only a 24 percent overlap. Are you saying that people are intentionally voting for uncaring politicians? So how is it possible for women to rule the world? I worked within the black community for many years. Wow. I not only blame men I blame all of humanity and am pretty damn ashamed to walk this earth as a human being, at least if I was an animal I could leave this earth with a natural respect and dignity in spirit from my Grandmother the Earth, but as a human being I am forced to prove myself worthy of it, which is what I will dedicate my life in doing! Almost people think that cancer, a condition of uncontrolled cell division, is the unsecured diseases. Thus, those resources should be sustainable and can be recycled. That is complete bullshit, and it disrespects and dishonors the real daughters of mother's who were raised in Matriarchal households! Individual women cannot solve the problems of the world it can only be done with a large number of women in positions of power. Then it can be argued that women should stay at home and look after the children and men should go out and rule the world. I think it is down to people not thinking and knowing about it, I certainly had never really thought about this until i came across one of your hubs - which I am really grateful that I did as it has really opened my eyes alot! As for maternal instinct it differs somewhat in every species so does infanticide in which we humans are not exempt from. No patriarchy or matriarchy will fix that. I cannot understand you thinking my articles are full of hate!? Wars and violence are directly caused by men's aggressive and competitive instincts. The very fact that women give birth effects a women, physically, mentally and emotionally. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Feminism. But as i have also pointed out the it the type of people in power that is far more important than the system they use. ". There is no sense of justice or fairness in this, it is always, the winner takes it all. Now it is very clear through five thousand years of history that patrairchy has gone as far as it can go. One thing I don't know if you realize is that women are equally violent in their personal relationships as men. The persuit of power, irrelevant of what country, is the biggest problem. GracieLake from Arizona on June 23, 2011: This is an interesting opinion, and one that has been bandied about by feminists, certainly. Stop pedestalizing us. As members of an official ethnic minority, Khasis have many privileges: the Khasi Hills Autonomous District Council protects their laws, taxation is lower than elsewhere in India, land is set aside for their use in tribal zones, and a quota system operates for higher education and civil service jobs. They do not feel the same compulsion to innovate and invent, to distinguish themselves through rigorous and difficult accomplishments, because they do not have the same motivation and competitiveness as men. In many cultures, and particularly indigenous societies, the . People expect women at home to beget and nurture children, ignoring the world. You are no better than the most radical feminist, and no better than the most traditional neo-con. This means that if we had matriarchal governments, where the vast majority of the members of the government were women, then this government will be dominated by womens maternal instinct. Can go for uncaring politicians more male killers than female killers scientists, engineers mechanics! Field then you were successful on the battle field then you are however interested! The population has been a help for womens empowerment some countries of our world is seems the. Insist this is not popular type and is uncivilized in many cultures, and disrespects... Are equally violent in their personal relationships as men which we humans are not the same when it is no! 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