I have got it made. 25 But if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it. Here it is not merely the negation of law and of circumcision, but we have the positive side. And that beautiful, sparkling, darling little gal wouldn't have to lie there listless and crying and thrashing in the bed. But the fourth is different. But then he went on to declare. We need not here enter into the details; but on the surface we see how the apostle brings all down to that which is of the deepest interest to every soul. He would not therefore have them ignorant how they had lain on his heart for a visit (ver. What gives glory to God like this? The object of this expectation. This world that is dominated by the flesh, dominated by men who are dominated by the flesh. As a parent you would gladly take the place of your child and suffer for them. There is a disposition continually to imagine that what is frequently spoken of must be understood; but experience will soon show that this is not the case. God delivered His Son to suffer, to be despised and rejected, as was prophesied in Isaiah, and to be delivered for my sins.I didn't fully appreciate that until I became a parent and I watched my own little babies suffer from some of the childhood maladies. Most Popular. I have rested in this verse over and over and over again. Satan is condemning, but why should I worry about that? The day hastens when the Redeemer shall come to Zion. Whatever sufferings believers may experience, they are of little significance when compared with the glory to be revealed on the day of final victory (18). THE TWO PRINCIPLES OF LIFE ( Romans 8:5-11 ). He put in everything he could think of, and yet, some poor timid soul stands there and quivers thinking God is going to forsake them now. Sep 9, 2001. It is no longer the realm of hope. Adam did it meritoriously; the creatures being delivered to him, when he by sin delivered himself he delivered them likewise into the bondage of corruption. Man was not complete. But "justification of life" goes farther, though involved in the latter, than the end of Romans 4:1-25; for now we learn that in the gospel there is not only a dealing with the guilt of those that are addressed in it; there is also a mighty work of God in the presenting the man in a new place before God, and in fact, too, for his faith, clearing him from all the consequences in which he finds himself as a man in the flesh here below. (1-5) The promises are made good to the spiritual seed of Abraham. Now, if it was righteous in God (and who will gainsay it?) The Bible tells me so. The people who owned the home had gone to Europe for the summer. But then he gives us the other side. We are told concerning Jesus, "Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross despising the shame" ( Hebrews 12:2 ). The sufferings are small and short, and concern the body only; but the glory is rich and great, and concerns the soul, and is eternal. God has made prayer such a simple, beautiful thing. Hence it is, as he says, herein revealed "from faith," or by faith. We are often in the position of a child who wants something which would be bound only to hurt him; and God is often in the position of a parent who has to refuse his child's request or compel him to do something he does not want to do, because he knows what is to the child's good far better than the child himself. Why would they not allow such a pretension? 8:2 (a) NAS "t he law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus" is much more literal than the NIV rendering. They declare, "Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor, for You have created all things," listen carefully, "and for Your pleasure they are and were created." In this book this term is used to describe freedom from things like death and the law in places like Romans 6:18; Romans 6:22; Romans 8:2. not willingly -- Not as a matter of choice. (i) We can take them as two statements, followed by two questions which give the inferences to be made from these statements. So here, with a poet's eye, Paul sees nature waiting for liberation from the death and decay that man's sin had brought into the world. Morning Prayer Sermonette. Ep elpidi hoti kai, c.--in hope that the creature itself so many Greek copies join the words. (14-24) This sovereignty is in God's dealing both with Jews and Gentiles. The logos ( G3056) was the reason and the mind of God in the universe, making it an order and not a chaos. The extent is what God Himself, so to speak, possesses the universe of God, whatever will be under Christ: and what will not? Not thus does God deal with souls. Romans 8:20English Standard Version. It does not yet appear what we shall be (1 John 3:2), but then the glory shall be revealed. The saints are spiritual priests, that have the Lord for their inheritance, Numbers 18:20. - For the creature (or, creation, as before) was subjected to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who subjected it in hope. He believed that the logos ( G3056) not only had an order for the universe, but also a plan and a purpose for the life of every individual man. The Spirit controlled, Christ-possessed man is on the way to life; death is but an inevitable interlude that has to be passed through on the way. That would be a day of judgment when the world would be shaken to its foundations; but out of it there would come a new world. This accordingly leads the apostle into the earlier portion of his great argument, and first of all in a preparatory way. We are often so hard on ourselves and are in the position of condemning ourselves, but I can tell you one who is not condemning. Did Gentiles believe? So I went up to spend some time with my cousin. The believer, therefore, unwittingly though really, dishonours the Saviour, if he be content to walk short of this standard and power; he is entitled and called to walk according to his place, and in the confidence of his deliverance in Christ Jesus before God. Now the saints are God's hidden ones, the wheat seems lost in a heap of chaff; but then they shall be manifested. Justification is not from works of law. for the mind of the flesh is not subject to the law of God, and neither indeed can it be. (4.) I confine myself to its doctrinal import, and the full Christian sense of the word; and I maintain that salvation signifies that deliverance for the believer which is the full consequence of the mighty work of Christ, apprehended not, of course, necessarily according to all its depth in God's eyes, but at any rate applied to the soul in the power of the Holy Ghost. No war shall be any. To whom, then, did the law address itself? God, however, subjected mankind to this futility "in hope" from the beginning. May we not say, it became vain willingly, but was made subject to vanity unwillingly? More than once Paul speaks of these angels ( Ephesians 1:21; Ephesians 3:10; Ephesians 6:12; Colossians 2:10; Colossians 2:15; 1 Corinthians 15:24). A collections of bible studies from Randy White Ministries. I shall live in that kingdom, the kingdom of light, and love, joy and peace, an heir of God, joint-heir with Jesus Christ.Then Paul said. Even as God pronounced the sentence upon Adam and all mankind, He gave humanity hope and the first prophecy of the coming Messiah in His rebuke of Satan: "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel" (Genesis 3:15 NKJV). So Paul says in this passage that there was a time when the Christian was at the mercy of his own sinful human nature. . Oh boy, I'd go up an get me a house in Montecito, like that one where I stayed. Those that suffered with David in his persecuted state were advanced by him and with him when he came to the crown; see 2 Timothy 2:12. This the whole creation looks and longs for; and it may serve as a reason why now a good man should be merciful to his beast. Romans 8:20 Parallel Verses. I mean the redemption of our body. Moreover, whom he did predestinate, them he also called; and whom he called them he also justified; and whom he justified them he also glorified." God was rather provoking Israel to jealousy by the call of the Gentiles. At the same time the apostle does allude to that mystery which was not yet divulged at least, in this epistle; but he points from the foundations of eternal truth to those heavenly heights that were reserved for other communications in due time. For the truth is that God has in Christ condemned sin, and this for sin definitely; so that He has nothing more to do in condemnation of that root of evil. 11, 12). The Rabbis had a legend that when God appeared on Sinai to give Moses the law he was attended by his hosts of angels, and the angels grudged Israel the law, and assaulted Moses on his way up the mountain and would have stopped him had not God intervened. From the first verse we have the application of the dead and risen Christ to the soul, till in verse 11 we see the power of the Holy Ghost, which brings the soul into this liberty now, applied by-and-by to the body, when there will be the complete deliverance. I really don't know what God is doing in his life, but I know John needs prayer. the creation was subjected [by God] to futility [emphaticdevoid of good results], . The little kid there had a whole room full of big little books, and you young people won't understand that at all. Hence, therefore, it was in no way limited to any particular nation, such as those that had already been under the law and government of God. 10. Hence therefore, the apostle, with divine wisdom, opens this to us before the blessed relief and deliverance which the gospel reveals to us. God said to Jeremiah, "I will make a new covenant with the people, no longer written on the tables of stone, but I will write my law in the fleshly tablets of their hearts." "For whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. "God surely can't love me anymore. What shall we say then to these things? not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same. Romans 16:1-27; Romans 16:1-27 brings before us in the most. The condition of the Roman saints called for a setting forth of the gospel of God; but this object, in order to be rightly understood and appreciated, leads the apostle into a display of the condition of man. God has acquitted us. Not just some of the things, but because you have been called according to His purpose you can rest in the confidence that God is in control and all things are working together for good. As the accomplishment of the saints' present hopes and expectations, Romans 8:19; Romans 8:19, c. As the saints are suffering for it, so they are waiting for it. But such thoughts altogether vanish now, because, as the Gentile was unquestionably wicked and abominable, so from the law's express denunciation the Jew was universally guilty before God. God, creation, and man all felt the dramatic effects of sin when the beautiful harmony in the world ended. The fire at the last day shall be a refining, not a destroying annihilating fire. Yes, He suffered, but as He suffered He was looking forward to the glory of the kingdom and the joy of being able to redeem lost man. No man can tell. The next question, actually, who shall separate us from the love of Christ? This first shadow of the gospel of Jesus Christ (see gospel in the OT - Gal 3:8) provided the firm foundation for hope (absolute certainty that God would do good to us and to the creation in the future) and this hope was the basis for the creation's eager anticipation that Paul described in the previous verse (see note Romans 8:19) Romans 8:21 that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God. For, essentially associated as He is with the glory of God the Father, the full deliverance of souls from the realm of death was His also. This is called the adoption. Nothing can separate you from that love of God which is in Christ Jesus. The Iliad: A Commentary: Volume 5, Books 17-20 by Homer (English) Paperback Book . Roman adoption was always rendered more serious and more difficult by the Roman patria potestas. The King James Version rendering is famous. From this old tent in which I am living. Annotated Bible by A.C. Gaebelein CHAPTER 8 In Christ; no Condemnation but Deliverance. God himself will be with them, and will be their God, Revelation 21:3. It has always the idea of power about it, power as of a mighty rushing wind. He quotes from Joel, that whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. That which Christ inherits, we also inherit. As the child said: "Enoch was a man who went on walks with God--and one day he didn't come back.". That there is going to come in the last days a great power of God's Spirit upon the church and God is going to manifest Himself through you, His church, and you are going to be endowed with all kinds of supernatural powers. I understand that God is wiser than I am. So that on the sufferings he writes tekel, weighed in the balance and found light. In the most binding legal way, he got a new father. All he thinks about is his body need. Then who is going to lay anything to my charge, because God elected me? The grounds of this expectation in the saints. is the double prophecy. And he feels the close affinity to it, because the baboon is living just like he lives. This was not a direct and intrinsic effect, of course, but the result of spiritual dealing for the soul. It is here that you will find a great failure of Christendom as to this. True ministry gives out not merely truth, but suited truth to the saints. Hope has reference to the future; and in this state of the Christian, he sighs for deliverance, and expects it. For as many as are lead by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.There are a lot of people today who are making claims to being sons of God. or who hath been his counsellor? And God knows what is going on and God is working even in this situation His good purpose in your life. Not only they--not only the creatures which are not capable of such a happiness as the first-fruits of the Spirit, but even we, who have such present rich receivings, cannot but long for something more and greater. So Paul, thinking in terms of his own day, says, "Not even the grudging, jealous angels can separate us from the love of God, much as they would like to do so. On the contrary, the doctrine of faith establishes law as nothing else can; and for this simple reason, that if one who is guilty hopes to be saved spite of the broken law, it must be at the expense of the law that condemns his guilt; whereas the gospel shows no sparing of sin, but the most complete condemnation of it all, as charged on Him who shed His blood in atonement. Not my will, but Thine be done.". But now they were; and thus God vindicated Himself perfectly as to the past. I think that the second way of taking this is right. The kingdom of God is within you, and will be so to eternity. whereas the mind of the spirit is life and peace ( Romans 8:6 ). If His grace attract, His truth humbles, and leaves no room for vain boasting and self-confidence. The apostle refers to Isaiah to show that God would "lay in Zion a stumbling-stone." But it is quite possible for the unconverted to be tenacious of the truth, yet unrighteous in their ways; and so much the worse for them. Joel, that have the positive side great argument, and expects it who the! 1-5 ) the promises are made good to the future ; and in state. Mercy of his great argument, and leaves no room for vain boasting and self-confidence to whom, then did! Where I stayed have to lie there listless and crying and romans 8:20 commentary in the world ended,! Purpose in your life tent in which I am living that we see not, then we! 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