Most of the gossip is projective fantasies made up by gay men who post on the threads. Most of the posters seem to be black women. H. Started by H e a r t C; It's not so much racist as it is paranoid. I've noticed recent threads where posters seem obsessed with black wealth going to non-black descendants. It was amusing, but I can't say I'd want to read a forum where people regularly dismiss gay gossip because they don't like it. J0se is on Twitter now going through it. Gabi And Dani Thread Page 96 Lipstick Alley.. Yeah, I think there are fans who purposefully don't translate it to prevent it from blowing up further. What a bunch of clowns. Or know what the word [italic] bisexual [/italic] means. Well, it isn't. "LSA is a joke, I have visited the site a few times. Why, what's going on that's got the rightwingers in an uproar? I have never been to that site. I find comfort in knowing there are others in the workplace that encounter the same type of bullshit levied by whites. Wait no one wants to guess the blinds at R8? 316. I've seen posters on there go apeshit and try to dismiss gossip on gay/bi celebs that is actually true. Yeah, the sentiment in that thread was that if an actor was openly gay they couldn't buy him in a straight role ever again. Besides the few fan girls of white actors, I appreciate the general bluntness regarding discussing white supremacy. I think one or two them troll in here, I simply do not know how they can stand themselves. Poor things dont realize they arent his type in more ways than one R222 Everyone knows that the crazies in the Stan threads are exactly that - crazy. Most posters, are of course straight women. But still there are SOME who know what's up, though. They are blunt about race, for sure. It's impossible for blacks to be racist. Chris Evans's reps tried to sue LSA for saying he had an STI. R174: If we discontinued taxpayer funded Obamaphones, Lipstick Alley would shrivel up & die within 48 hours. Saint Laurent beautiful winter men's collection. Most of the so called teas are projective fantasies made up by the black fraus in the comment section. I grew up in a affluent part of NYC. Hello and thank you for being a DL contributor. The majority of posters at LSA completely missed the point of the post but hopefully some of the people who post on DL saying things like "get AIDS and die" or "racist post" or some variation of "fuck you cunt" will realize how unbelievably inappropriate they are and that sometimes a conversation about Rihanna's popularity, Cosby rape allegations and Tidal are just conversations about a singer, sexual assault, and music streaming and NOT RACISM. I went there on/off until very recently because they have some pretty good tv threads, but if you click on other types of threads it's a whole other ballgame. Yes. Make them see the error of their craven, satanic, cold-hearted ways. It's the same with black female celebs. Arriving at the region's main airport of Lyon . Gay men are obsessed with black women. That's all their is to it. If my brother and I are both depressed, what am I supposed to do? It's the usual stereotypes, which is sad because both groups share a common bond. I don't think lipstick alley is homophobic but they are seriously racist. id be surprised if it turns out hes not dating her. Jews are worse than feminists. You all started colored water fountains, separation in general. I didn't understand or listen to those warnings. Fucky fucky fuck fuck fucking fuck, R172. They're just tired of a different bullshit than we are. Usually while pretending to be against misogyny. But Reggie Bush fucking Kardashian clones and "wifing" has no direct impact on LSA members, and if it does, they need to get a life. What an odd question to ask on a site like this. Do you believe that dead relatives can reach out to you in your dreams? They have endless threads about Jared Leto and his fake romance with Lupita Nyongo. [quote]This thread alone looks like a bunch of fraus from Lipstick Alley. you all treat people in humane but we are that are not human. Sadly, the male posters on LSA, who identify themselves as gay are mostly misogynistic assholes with a victim complex. There is some batshit racism and hate preaching against mostly white people. Started by Bakhita; Yesterday at 9:44 PM; Replies: 57; Lipstick Alley Bloggers. It seems as if it's the same posters doing most of the posts there. Also apparently his gf is a known . Some of you lesbo's in this thread are hilarious. What is far more worrying is, ironically for a site geared towards black women, there is growing anti black female sentiment in certain threads. Yes, I would imagine they gave you a hard time. Some of the Kerry Rhodes, Michael Sam, even Tyler Perry stuff was juicy. Google your LSA username. I can readily imagine black women hate the fact that black male celebs hook up with white women. He usually bumps the worst stuff like this when he's really angry about some recent news. Datalounge has shifted in demographics I think. Iggy shouldn't be a thing, and you damn well know it. All white baby. They know he's family, if that's what you mean. You want to believe it's all about color, about being black, to be precise. How to tell my friend I dont want my picture on her boyfriends page, To be a black autistic person has to be the worst kind of hell. That kind of thinking is EVERYWHERE. I haven't seen that level of prejudice and paranoia on any other board. Too many threads where it rears its head to remember. That's how I heard about the site in the first place. The celebrity comments can be witty and also rachet. [quote]Greatso now you're dragging Halle into the fray. She needs to close her fat ass mouth now because I'm tired of seeing her name in the Latest Topics. It's not all black and white. Pointing out that someone is kind of a cunt or that they've fucked men is really not defamatory. If anyone wants to PM me I'll give alley buxs. Wow ya'll are so pressed , why be so pressed about a website most frequented by woc? Black women go APESHIT when black men marry/date white women. Yeah, Lipstickalley is pretty xenophobic (esp towards Mexicans), and transphobic. There is a new post on this site hating on a gay couple for adopting three black kids. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Joon shocked me. About. Bitch, are you kiddin me with that? r182 Nice one. That website should have been shit down years ago. DL is pretty racist too. Like every business man, he probably barely knows what's going on on the site, just that checks come in. DL consistently takes any statement (e.g. it doesn't answer your question but i'll take bux if you're giving them. Rich and famous black men marry white women pretty frequently, while middle class or lower black men are serial monogamists, or worse. Yeah, because no women at LSA ever act like they know what it's like to be a gay man. Probably why they're so bitter on there. Why every time black issues come up its always black & brown? 169 votes, 1.1K comments. THEM only fuels more hate and while I know black people can't be racist we are indeed capable of hate just like anyone else. They are very much obsessed about so called constant white racism towards black. There are certain closeted celebrity men that we talk about here and we all know are gay, yet so many of the posters on LSA will make excuse after excuse to convince themselves as to why those same celebrities are straight. No wonder so many of them end up with downlow men - they either have no gaydar or they refuse to acknowledge the obvious signs. You mean you'd leave out key details? This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. [quote]Did your gossip happen to be about one of the popular black heart throbs liking dick? The OFFICIAL BTS Tea thread | Page 111 | Lipstick Alley Jokes aside, Armys are truly dense if Taehyung's money hungry ways have not diminished his appeal to them. Wow. I love those bitches; but here's me, just a LSA members can be racist and full of venom for anything other than dark skinned African American women. Any talk about their male faves that question sexuality will be met with derision. Funky Dineva did a great video about Mo'Nique and this whole Lee Daniels situation. Ill post the link if I find it again. Some of them are racist, but most of the posters here on dl are sexist AND racist. The hearthrob image is still so incredibly important to sell movies. Calling out LSA for being racist on DL is beyond hilarious. Ooouu havent gotten to these yet.. thanks OP. Didn't leave me with a great impression. Hello and thank you for registering. [quote]I do care about the casual homophobia. Sooo how do I go about marrying Ludacris?? The same thing happened with other black sites. Well, how is this for irony, Lipstick Alley is white owned. Close! Got a link? So take your racist post and stick it where the sun ain't shinning OP. Yes white people post by the truckloads over there. It isn't on here anymore. I read a great article which explained to me a lot of the conspiracy theory obsessions on LA. BTS do have many idol friends but Seventeen and Got7 are the closest and genuine friendships they have. I love their Real Housewives and Drag Race threads. Pregnancies and marriages are more common than we think. R159 - Oh for fuck's sake. Find most of the posters to be extremely pleasant and gracious - like every blog there will be disruptive nut jobs, big deal. Any talk about their male faves that question sexuality will be met with derision. There's this one video I nearly pissed myself he did his lil corny shimmy and the girls were screaming and shit and his line brothers wipes his shoulders And white boys looks dead in the camera like he know he's ill ass fuck. Ethiopian Jews continue to be marginalized, and mistreated by white Jews in the Jewish Motherland. Very cool thread. Had to ask. It may not display this or other websites correctly. They are spot on with their gossip. Case in point Jews are known to be historically a victimized people, yet Israel saw fit to sterilize (WITHOUT CONSENT) around 500,000 Ethiopian Jewish women to allow them permanent stay in Israel. DL does have some of the absolute worst racists ever, at least the administrator deletes some of those threads. Which he doesn't. There's that. R14, if you could trolldar across sites I'd bet anything that those wingnuts are the same delusional freepers who post anti-semitic/MK ultra bullpucky on DL. Now, I didn't care for it when I went there, but they still got a reaction from an official rep. Well I know they have tried that shit here. [quote]Typical! [quote]Doing this US vs. Let me think long and hard about that one. I would be awful doing such a terrible thing. Anyone know the hetero version of L chat. Awww sheit! She comes with a new twist every other day. The region now has a handful of airports taking international flights. Celebrity Alley - Celebrity News and Gossip, BTS Officially Announces Plans For Military Enlistment Starting With Jin, South Korean official says its desirable for BTS to be drafted into the military, Lauren London debuts her snatched frame at You People premiere, Anika Noni Rose and Jason Dirdens Colorful Los Angeles Wedding, Cardi B appears in court after failing to complete her community service. I don't find Lipstick A racist at all. Let me get this straight- someone on DL is calling ANOTHER message board racist? Not that he actually fucks his interchangeable blonde beards, but he has never bothered to add a black beard to his collection. Not only in the US, where I'm assuming (without hesitation) you reside, but all over the world. Father God, stab your thick fingers into their meth-addled souls and pour love atop the venom, bath salts, anti-virals, and sperm that ferments within them. I want them all to stay in the closet and not ruin it for me. [quote]Any form of racial supremacy is stupid. Coffee & Tea Accessories Cookbooks Cooking Utensils Cookware . White people really solidified their crown as culture vultures when they started pretending to be victims of racism. But definitely not racist towards whites. It does not believe what it posts. Nope, this is a 'tea' thread in the gossip section. This sounds like a bunch of manti/solo Stan bullshit. Then diss black women that date white men. He's growing on me too. They also have a strong dislike for iggy Azalea. ITS SOOOO MUCH!!! Lipstick Alley Tea | Exposing YouTubers Aaliyah Jay, Raven Elyse, Jayla Koriyan, Missy Lynn 15,340 views Jan 5, 2017 171 Dislike Share Save JerikaSyncere 22.5K subscribers Open Me :). There are certain famous guys that most people know are gay/closeted, but they absolutely refuse to see it. There's a black gay site which is quite open in its opposition to white guys specifically. I can say the same thing about the Datalounge. Hmmm, now why might black people not like white people? 0 coins. Teach your children to be critical thinkers, don't let their first introduction and conclusion on topics come from a random. [quote]The posters are all so bitchy (without being amusingly so like the DL), full of resentment. - Season 9 - Official Watch/Discussion Thread. Seems like posters at the Alley really believe jayZ is evil. I recently have been enjoying a thread about Rnb singer August Alsina. Beyonce, Jay Z , Rihanna are 'Illuminati'. Whoever wanted him to quit were a$$holes. Trust me, that never will go down well over there. 50. [quote]Um, isn't the term "high" yellow or "yella?". Farewell. Ah, you mean the antisemitic shit on the conspiracy threads on LSA? Some of them have learned that they should just let that shit go. It took me me a while with 160 pages. I say, good riddance. 'Can you identify a body with broken teeth? Hollywood has always been bisexual. Hey Luke *wink*. I'd still bang though. The others, from the DL obsessions like Timberlake and Bradley Cooper are seen for the AWGs they are or even worse. Some of the idiots on LSA are also obsessed with the idea that Whitney and MJ were romantically involved with each other. I post daily on another urban gossip blog, and we share many posters with LSA. And to me he's very good looking. Rather, it comes from having a deep understanding of black history and yourself. I know of white "philanthropic's " that attended black industry events and turned it into their own personal buffets for ass. [quote]Very strange and unpleasant place, pointless for gossip unless you're into rappers. Very strange and unpleasant place, pointless for gossip unless you're into rappers. Yall do know that several white women post on LSA as well. The gay couple is white..i forgot to mention. Exactly. Defending the bigotry. BLACK AMERICA AG: BEN CRUMP RECIEVES GRIO ICON AWARD, Reparations are a disaster for race relations - YT Journalist whines. On the lighter end, there was a recent thread about "male celebrities you were sorry to hear were gay" - I found that borderline offensive. They're not a micorcosm of society. 3. Some of the comments are funny but at the same time makes no sense. I know for a fact that Juelz, Busta and Kevin Lil*)(#&es and many more have paid/pay and maintain/ed the lifestyles for many of my guy friends who are verrrrry gay. Blacks and gays historically were the most inclusive groups but exclusivism has become a thing I'd say in the past 20 years. The (any goodlooking celebrity) thread is the worst, they make up bullshit stories about knowing someone who has had (add the name). ONCE CULT . It just craves attention. Leonardo DiCaprio got popular there because he dated Naomi Campbell. I personally can't think of any black celebs whose wives have darker skin except for Obama and his choice obviously was affected by political considerations. Too bad your family didn't educate you. People are accessing the internet with their Bushphones (a more accurate term), R184? Daz Dillinger from Death Row him and his baby mama was arguing on here. Defending the bigotry. She is pressed and just wants to bring it down because SHE is not apart of it. R141 That's because they harbor fantasies of being 'sassy' black women. BUT JEEZUS the truly few that are, esp the 4 or 5 in the Whitney Houston thread are genuinely sick fuck haters. Blind Gossip gets the occasional exclusive, but mostly they make guesses. But stillyou will NEVER be the same. What is your favorite app, website, or service that hardly anyone else is aware of? No way no how. 4. Debarge Family Tea Thread Part V. Thread starter TeaListener; Start date Sep 11, 2021; Forums. Lipstick Mascara Shop All Makeup ; Shoes Ankle Boots & Booties . Black women need to be more open to interracial dating,black men have already moved along, why can't they? Uncategorized July 13, 2020 0 wajidi. Must be very annoying. Likewise with Tom Cruise and Jada Pinkett. Very racist thread. I guess this is the common sentiment there, R15. RE207, what does "ratchet" mean in that context? Lipstick alley is full of fan girls, like Datalounge is full of fan boys. Just think for a moment that we don't all live in your conveniently capsule world. R97, like most of the trolls here at Datalounge, doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. LSA is not for you. Maybe nobody wants to take the risk? Yes because threads like the Black People Stink thread, the Indian People Stink thread, the 1000th Simon Hall/Matt Bomer or the Gabby Sidibe thread are resentment free and brilliantly amusing. You'd think or hope they would choose, at least an attractive white actor to be obsessed with. R93 The white person who runs the site is actually on the site often. [quote] I would be awful doing such a terrible thing. Where's the decent gossip these days? Ngl, all of them look hot af in the pics, even those I don't really care about too much. There is no need to put other people down, make comparisons, or even mention other religious/ethnic groups and generalizations about race/ethnicity, sexuality, religion, etc. Oh. R12, as R14 said there's a lot of it there. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Stupid. When you show up to your own tea party because the pot was TOO hot! For the rest of you intelligent men and women, I would like to direct your attention, specially you theater types, to the brilliant, 10 minute play by this beautiful sister, Aleksys K Taylor. # x27 ; ll give Alley buxs be disruptive nut jobs, big deal Shoes Ankle &. Pressed, why be so pressed, why ca n't they same of. On this site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to you. This sounds like a bunch of manti/solo Stan bullshit head to remember LSA! Choose, at least the administrator deletes some of the comments are funny but at the time! ; Lipstick Alley is white owned that dead relatives can reach out you! You for being a DL contributor of manti/solo Stan bullshit men marry/date white women n't all live in conveniently. Such a terrible thing try to dismiss gossip on gay/bi celebs that is actually true posters all! That they should just let that shit go a new post on the threads about marrying Ludacris?! 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