Spirit of Leviathan, in the name of Jesus, I bind you and all the spirits operating with and for you together, now. This aggressive attitude and behavior stirs up anger, wrath and fear. Very insightful and full of wisdom and knowledge and for that I thank you. They are so fat that their eyes are pushed out. Yes, we all have a long way to go. Moreover, I would recommend that you read the book, Pigs In The Parlour, as soon as possible. Demons look for loopholes and areas where they can twist what God has created. In order for a church to function properly and fitly joined together for the building of the Kingdom, we must flow in the five fold ministry. If in the past you had sex in dreams and you were not delivered, you have a spiritual husband or wife. Fools will be punished for their proud words,but the words of the wise will protect them. Among other things, with his death and resurrection we have the right to freedom from demonic oppression/possession, we just need to realize whose we are and the rights we have as children of God. Salem Media Group. How to Get More Out of Your Bible Reading. I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness, and will hold your hand; I will keep you and give you as a covenant to the people, as a light to the gentiles, to open blind eyes, to bring out prisoners from the prison, those who sit in darkness from the prison house. This evil people, who refuse to listen to my words, who go in the stubbornness of their hearts, and have gone after other gods, to serve them, and to bow in worship to them, let them be like this loincloth which is not good for anything. Jeremiah 13:9-10. How else could they gain an advantage in a life? All of us who have grown to be spiritually mature should think this way too. Protect and guide me in spiritual warfare against my enemies. His power will also fight against oppressive spirits that might be hindering you. Fifty Six fold description of Leviathan 1. For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Peace! He has sharp teeth, impenetrable scales, breathes out fire and smoke, and the capacity to easily shatter bronze and iron. 1-647-362-9443. Great words of wisdom and how to deal with the Leviathan Spirit. Ms. Kimberly, thank you so much for your obedience in the kingdom, your article on Leviathan blessed me greatly! If you have been a part of a deliverance ministry you are familiar with the spirit of leviathan characteristics. There was a man who came to him and asked that He have mercy on his son. (Mathew 19:8) That is the goal of the Leviathan spirit; hes a covenant breaker. 5:22-32. Here, as in the intertestamental literature, images and names of the great opponent of the gods of heaven in the Combat Myth are used of the Devil.. As Leviathan counterfeits the true light and understanding, many Christians begin to operate in spiritual pride. Power Thank you for exposing the devil and his tactics, very much appreciated, indeed the truth sets free. See Psalms 74. Leviathan is described as a dragon that provokes fear and intimidation in the. Of course, no power is greater than Gods power, but the enemy is working overtime to hinder the saints. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Spirit of Leviathan Series Do Not Love The World, Leviathan Spirit Royal Girlz Ministry Series. I have a spouse who in nearly 50 years of marriage has manifested . What is Leviathan Spirit In Marriage. I just couldnt identify it. They will be able to feel major resistance rise up inside of them in these types of situations. The disciples wanted to know why they could not cast the spirit out. Please send a prayer request to royalgirlzprayerrequest@gmail.com with your full name and we our intercessors will put you on our prayer list. Many business partnerships and marriages suffer from the spiritual attack of Leviathan because Leviathan will not keep covenant. When we humble ourselves, He will heal us and soften our hearts that we may be able to believe His word for our lives. Proverbs 29:23 Even when they exhibit characteristics of Leviathan towards you, ask the Lord to help you to always respond in humility. Often when you begin to work on your deliverance from them, there can be physical injuries appearing on/in your body (scratched, bites, symptoms of illness with no medical confirmation, etc.). The spirit of pride must be broken down when we go in to pray. When we fast and pray, we are giving up some things and that is impressive to God. Now, look at this scripture where Jesus is speaking: Again, truly I say to you that if two of you agree on earth about any matter that they ask, it will be done for them from my Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 18:19). Not to be confused with being proud of someone for doing something well, or being proud of a project you made, or an accomplishment. Thank you again for such clear understanding in this critical matter of leviathan. 1 Samuel 15:23. Step up and claim your inheritance. Remember, be diligent and use the weapons God has given you, and you can be victorious! Money If you find that your tone with others is harsh, Leviathan may be speaking through you. This ministry was birthed in January 2012 under the direction of the Lord to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the nations. Because you are dealing with a spirit of pride, you must ask God to help you operate in a spirit of humility. 1. Royal Girlz Ministry - The Hour Has Come To WAKE UP!!! People who have a murderous spirit and shed innocent blood open themselves up to demonic spirits or may already be possessed by one. The human soul was not made to live in darkness and will wither in its continued presence. 1 Corinthians 14:33). They truly believe they are the only ones going to heaven and the ones with the enlightened truth. In Isaiah chapter 27 he is called the "piercing serpent," the "crooked serpent," the "dragon" that lies in the midst of the sea (v. 1, KJV). The Bible says that God is not the author of confusion. Give up a whole days meal and He is really listening. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. That is like the people who hear the teaching and understand it. Drug use can put people in harms way and open up the gateway to a demonic spirit. Next, we are going to cast these spirits out of our lives in the name and power of Jesus (not our own power). Marriage is about working together and many times humbling yourself to the other spouse during arguments. To God all the glory! It is Satanic to have sex in dreams. Put a rope on him so that your girls can play with him? The spirit of Leviathan operates mainly through a prideful spirit. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. For example, a husband who has been charged with leading his family and is also a leader in his job or the community. But they do not let the teaching go deep into their lives. During prayer if you find yourself becoming sleepy and dont have a desire to pray or press in, Leviathan may be in operation to block your prayers. Many Christians spend their whole lives stuck right there at that brick wall. Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah and promised to kill him by the next day at the same time. This website uses cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. Take it to the scriptures and compare them. Do not let them introduce you to drugs and lifestyles with sexual perversion. James 3:16 (emphasis mine) declares For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.. 2 Esdras was in the original 1611 King James Bible; it talks about Leviathan being created by God before man existed. I beg for change and never feel it and Never hear God or truly feel Him. He blocks the entrance into the Holy of Holies so that you are not able to press past the veil into the fullness of God. However, He told them, that particular spirit would not go out unless you fast and pray. Like youre fighting a never-ending battle that you cant seem to win? Greetings, I read Fourth Prayer Watch of the Night! Now, make sure you stay in the Word of God that is your sword and guidebook for survival in this world full of wickedness. My only suggestion to you would be to do what the scriptures tell us in regards to guarding our heart. In Gen 3:1-5 the serpent (Leviathan) is wanting to distort and hide the true word of the Lord from Eve. Standards were definitely high. God bless you! We pray the Fathers continued blessings and healing over your life. We have to avoid things that open up thegateway to evil spirits. Search: Leviathan Spirit In Marriage . The higher Leviathan can bring him up, the further he can fall (with witnesses) when the principality decides to turn on him. You will know Leviathan is controlling you when you find it difficult to move in the gifts of the Spirit such as speaking in tongues, prophesying, walking in faith, healing, miracles and being able to discern spirits. By taking scriptural references to leviathan and other creatures badly out of context, some people have invented an entire mythology of unique demonic entities and attributed to them various nefarious deeds. The leviathan represents the forces of chaos. We must rely on Jesus, what he did on the cross for mankind, and the power of God to slay this dragon. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. We really do not have an excuse not to be saved. Laziness As you have read, pride is a very strong spirit and the only way to combat it is through humility and the Word of God. This is a summary I compiled after reading Steve Sampson's book, " Discerning and Defeating the AHAB Spirit. The Bible speaks of Leviathan as a strong and fierce marine spirit that is king over all the children of pride. Leviathan is a very controlling, religious, independent, and rebellious spirit. Of course, this is still no match for the power of God. The spirit of Leviathan is very effective at separating people from their relationship with God. Another sign of Leviathan at work is harshness. True direction and purpose will be restored to their lives. I suit up with the whole armor of God and I Plead the blood of christ all over. The scripture says His breath sets coals on fire, and flames shoot from his mouth. If you ever lay a hand on Leviathan, you will never do it again! Then it goes and brings along with itself seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they go in and live there. Yes it is a very strong spirit. But James 4:6 says that God resists the proud, so by agreeing with and operating in pride, the person cuts themselves off from God. In order to represent Jesus here on earth and wield power in His name, we must be born again. The young lady could foretell the future. This haughty and prideful spirit comes to rob us of Gods very , Kimberly Snyder is the founder of Royal Girlz Ministry. Better poor and humble than proud and rich. Thanks. His fierceness prevents any man from taming him. In the Dictionary of Deities and Demons in the Bible, we find the following passage on page 247: The Devil in the New Testament is wholly the enemy of God and righteousness. She is the author of the self-published novel GLORYTHE HAIR. Help me to recognize their lies and manipulations and to stand guard against them. It is a time in their lives when they want to rise up against authority, and you are right, its not JUST teenage rebellion. Leviathan wants nothing more than to kill, steal, and destroy anything of meaning or value in a persons life. That will break the necks of this spirit. Leviathan is a spirit of pride, a stubborn demon that speaks in a rough tone. This spirit often comes in through a wounded spirit involving rejection. Demons have personalities; like people, they just dont have a physical body to accompany them. Leviathan will block these ministries from operating in a church. Royal Girlz Ministry - The Hour Has Come To WAKE UP!!! Any comments that are made from this spirit are normally done in a manner where it is intended to chew you up and spit you out. Even though you desire to go higher in the things of God, it is difficult to push past this place into the higher and deeper things of the Lord. Matthew 12:34-37: Offspring of vipers! In Isaiah 27: 1, Scripture identifies a "twisting serpent" called Leviathan: In that day the Lord with His hard and great and strong sword will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, Leviathan the twisting serpent (Bold emphasis mine). Its heart is cast as stone; yes, it is cast as the lower millstone. Job 41:24, Youll notice that this spirit causes a person to become hard-hearted and coarse. God is not a liar. Do not let the foot of the arrogant tread on me,or the hand of the wicked drive me away. We also know ofJezebel in the Bible. Matthew 12:43-45 talks about this very thing: Now whenever an unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it travels through waterless places searching for rest, and does not find it. If anyone respects and fears God, he will hate evil. Do not play around with tarot cards, witchcraft, or Ouija boards. I want nothing to do with you. It was great. We should take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ to prevent an evil spirits thoughts from taking root in our minds and then in our lives. I thank you, Lord, that you are always faithful and that you never leave me nor forsake me. I have pretty much every single characteristic listed. You must use spiritual weapons to fight. Jesus told them that they had unbelief. The LEVIATHAN SPIRIT seeks to KILL/STRANGLE or CHOKE the Holy Spirit GETTING FREE OF THE RELIGIOUS SPIRIT It is a strong conviction that God works (only) in a particular way. When the spirit of Leviathan is in operation, it causes you to be stiff necked and stubborn. To God be the glory! Shalom. Before we get into the characteristics of a Leviathan spirit, I think its essential to look at the scriptures in the Bible that mention this creature/entity. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12). You have no rights here. Proud member Royal Girlz Ministry - Don't Get Tricked Halloween Prophetic WARNING!!! We never want to pray for God to humble us because that prayer will require the Stone to fall on us and not us falling on the Stone. But there is one thing I do: I forget what is in the past and try as hard as I can to reach the goal before me. Just came across your page as I wanted to buy a Shofar, and that testimony was so powerful! Again, It is the religious spirit working in conjunction with pride that hinders people from growing in God. To God all the glory! His back has rows of shieldstightly sealed together. He who digs a pit, in it he will fall, and he who rolls a stone, on him it will come back. The list of characteristics of those who operate in Jezebel / Leviathan and Ahab are below: Jezebel Controlling (you feel if you control other people you will never be hurt again) Manipulative Anxious / Fearful Jealous Demanding Sexually impure & selfish Lies Desire for power and leadership Wants to shut down true Holy Spirit More dominant You are very welcome! Resist him, steadfast in your faith, because you know the same kinds of sufferings are being accomplished by your community of believers in the world. 1 Peter 5:8. Ahab told Jezebel that Elijah had killed some prophets of Baal. The scripture doesnt specifically say agree on earth about any good matter, it says any matter. Since Jesus died on the cross, we can go to God ourselves to obtain grace, mercy, and help in a time of need. Lord, please remove any influence from the spirit of Leviathan in my life and mind. It cannot be wrong or at fault for anything; its too good for that above it all. Thank you! And the last state of that person becomes worse than the first. In 2 Corinthians 10:3-5, we are instructed: For although we are living in the flesh, we do not wage war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not merely human, but powerful to God for the tearing down of fortresses (strongholds), tearing down arguments and all pride that is raised up against the knowledge of God, and taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.. Smith lives and resides in Memphis, Tennessee. I Samuel 16:14 shows that Saul was troubled by an evil spirit from the Lord. His overlapping scales are his pride, making a tight seal so no air can get between them, and nothing can penetrate. Without covenant in the lives of believers, there is no peace, prosperity, healing or protection from the enemy. It cant be tamed or ignored. Of course, this is still no match for the power of God. It is in this place that you will see many hold on to doctrine, the law and religion. Be encouraged in the Word that says in Philippians 3:13-16, Brothers and sisters, I know that I still have a long way to go. This is a characteristic of those who operate in pride, as they will have a wall around them. He will keep you safe and give you peace. Unyielding and unteachable, this spirit brings much destruction. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. On his lips, an enemy will pretend, but inside he will harbor deceit. Arguing The good person from his good treasury brings out good things, and the evil person from his evil treasury brings out evil things. Be sober; be on the alert. This is how Leviathan works with the Spirit of Religion. This spirit whispers lies (implants thoughts) which encourages false accusations against people, particularly those in positions of authority. I have been studying different spirits for a while and this one has given me the most insight into the characteristics of the Leviathan spirit. Chop them down with the Sword of the Spirit by speaking what God says. There are many things that we cant see naturally that goes on in deliverance, but when we pray in tongues and pray in the spirit, Holy Spirit reveals these things to us. My husband has pretty much just quit trying after 30 years. Blessings Marie! It has been an upward battle that seem to be affecting our daughter. Other gods include Leviathan, pride, and self. So glad that you are freed from him and his demons and are now recovering. These cookies do not store any personal information. When you find the Spirit of Leviathan operating within a church, you will not see the fullness of God. Scripture describes the defeat of a spirit called Leviathan: "On that day the LORD with His harsh, great, and strong sword, will bring judgment on Leviathan, the fleeing serpentLeviathan, the twisting serpent. You cannot play around with this spirit; it would be dangerous to attempt to do so. For wisdom hates pride, arrogance, corruption, and deceit of every kind. It twists intentions and conversations. You crushed the heads of Leviathan; you gave him as food for the creatures of the wilderness. Latter-day revelation tells us that marriage under the law of the gospel and the holy priesthood is for eternity and that men and . These are powerful prayers to pray to break the Leviathan Spirit off your life. I am 100% consumed by Leviathan and I never knew one thing about this. The man told Jesus that the disciples could not cure him. Copyright 2023, Bible Study Tools. It counterfeits the furnishings of the Holy place and gives false light, dreams, visions and revelations. He described his son as a lunatic and many times he would fall into the fire and often times the water. Here God kills the leviathan and gives him as meat to the people in the wilderness. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Do you feel like youre constantly at war? People often times yawn, burp or cough as the spirit leaves them when reading my prayers in the book. Even to look upon the face of someone operating under this spirit is dreadful. He aims to thwart Gods purposes and he hates humans, especially those who authentically follow Jesus. Royal Girlz Ministry - WARNING From God To His People. Just like Jesus did in the desert when Satan came against him with lies, twisting the scriptures, and testing his character. "So is this great and wide sea, wherein are things creeping innumerable, both small and great beasts. The spirit of Leviathan stirs up the emotions and will of people. This does not affect your sale in any way and helps to keep our ministry running. Will they cut him into pieces and sell him to the merchants? Psalm 74:14 Leviathan is also a covenant breaker. When you command the spirit of Leviathan to go you will usually feel it leave. Lets move on to the 12 characteristics of a Leviathan spirit that are commonly seen in its daily operation. It has been an upward battle that seem to be affecting our daughter. Pay attention to what youre thinking about! But now having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life. His skin is like armor! Nothing and no one will change your way of thinking. The Leviathan spirit puts its scales up, engulfing the person under its influence so that even the truth bounces off them. Isaiah 27:1 On that day, Yahweh will punish with his cruel, great and strong sword, Any type of correction is twisted, and the bringer becomes the enemy causing disunity, To get things to go their way, they manipulate. Look at this scripture in Proverbs 2:20-28; it illustrates the contention of Leviathan clearly: For lack of wood, a fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, quarreling will cease. While its true that all evil spirits are liars, the Leviathan spirit specializes in twisting the truth in the mind of its victims without them even realizing it. Your Freedom was Paid for 2000 Years Ago! Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrownot even the powers of hell can separate us from Gods love. For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry. And what about the seed that fell on rocky ground? 23 Attributes of a Spirit Spouse. So they wear pride around their neck. Strife is angry or bitter disagreement over fundamental issues, conflict. This has been completely life changing. He grew up in church, but for the past 3 years, since he was 14 seems to be rejecting the Word of God. These cookies do not store any personal information. God wants us to be free. The end result can be deadly. May the holyspirit continue to use you to set lives from satanic operations, God bless you. When the Spirit of Leviathan is operating in people, It likes to hide and so getting too close to people will allow them to be seen. Im not sure if you already do this, but praying in tongues is another powerful weapon to use in spiritual warfare and deliverance. The scriptures tell us that we are to humble ourselves. We will keep you and your family lifted up in prayer. It observes all the lofty (thinking they are better than others); he is a king over all the children of pride. Job 41:34. Leviathans scales are so tight that they prevent the Holy Spirit and the fresh winds of God to flow in their life or the in life of a ministry. Ive a long way to go. Visit Royal Girlz Boutique & Gifts for all your personal and ministry needs. He is everywhere, but especially in marriages. I reject this spirit completely and wholeheartedly. In his 2-part audio series, Leviathan , Dr. Wallnau reveals how to quickly DETECT Leviathan's operation. Strife is also one of his favorite methods of destruction. I need help! I keep running hard toward the finish line to get the prize that is mine because God has called me through Christ Jesus to life up there in heaven. I would say continue to pray my sister and seek Gods will in every aspect of your life and His Holy Spirit will lead and guide you into all truth. Search: Leviathan Spirit In Marriage.This Spirit is of a Good Nature, and his office is to declare things Past and to Come, and to discover all things Hid or Lost In fact, these powers work FOR Python, not with him " Opening sentence of Hobbes's Leviathan XLVI (English) By Coyle Neal, December 1, 2015 Aristotle and his disciples The spirit of Jezebel is still on the prowl today,. Because of this, take up the full armor of God, in order that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand. This spirit will lead you to self-exaltation, haughtiness, arrogance, lying, cursing, arguing, strife, and anger. For of thorns, men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they grapes. Luke 6:43-44. Leviathan wants to cast doubt, mistrust, and suspicion on Gods word. No power in the sky above or in the earth belowindeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord., The Leviathan spirit represents pride, arrogance and haughtiness and in order to be delivered from this spirit, a person must first acknowledge that they operate in it. They are extremely stubborn, aggressive, and dangerous. I pray this information has helped you tremendously. Dr. Sandra Hamer Smith is a Christian and wife to Sylvester Smith. This brings maximum destruction, affecting not only the leader but also everyone in covenant with him and even those who witness the fall. When a new move of God comes, you wont be able to see it or move out in it. Instead of the Spirit of God and love reigning, you will see the law ruling. It has made me aware of areas God needs to heal and deliver me in. She worshipped the idol god Baal and Ahab began too as well. They are close to one another even the air cannot come between them. . You struggle with insomnia, and your mental focus is a daily . We will see an increase in these marine spirits in the upcoming 2021 year so we need to be in prayer as to how to strategically pray for Gods people to not be seduced and led astray by these spirits. All five are essential for the building of the body of Christ and no one person holds all five positions. More than likely this type of spirit is linked to a principality. Stand therefore, girding your waist with truth, and putting on the breastplate of righteousness, and binding shoes under your feet with the preparation of the good news of peace, in everything taking up the shield of faith, with which you are able to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one, and receive the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, with all prayer and supplication praying at all times in the Spirit, and to this end being alert with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints. Luke 6:45: The good person out of the good treasury of his heart brings forth good, and the evil person out of his evil treasury brings forth evil. That could be multiple leadership positions in the same person. LEVIATHAN WILL ATTACK A PROPHETIC WORD. We will stand in faith with you for God to save and deliver him from the spirit of rebellion which is rooted in The Spirit of Divination/Witchcraft. It causes hardness of heart towards God too. This ministry was birthed in January 2012 under the direction of the Lord to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the nations. The demon realm sets up an individual to be traumatized through rejection. People operating under the spirit of Leviathan do not speak with soft words or kindness. Dr. Smith primarily teaches language arts. To pray means to humble yourself before God, and Leviathan is never humble or repentant. As Leviathan blocks the steps to go higher in the spirit, he also prevents you from going further by warring against you with pride, fear, intimidation, doubt, worry and all the things that are not apart of the Kingdom of God. That individual cannot stand for there to be peace. Leviathan sits in the Holy Place of the temple and counterfeits the things of God. So, if you want to know what a demons personality is like, look no further than the person its possessing. I am so glad that you found the article to be insightful and helpful. What better way to do that than to target leaders and influencers? They feel more peace and also feel like a weight has lifted from them. Check out the website breakingcurses101.thinkific.com. Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. I am so blessed to have gotten knowledge on prayer watches. A lot of people say its just teenage rebellion, but as a Christian, I dont believe that is the case. It can do this by twisting scripture and whispering lies about God, stirring up feelings of anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, and resentment towards God. Its sometimes referred to as a dragon or sea monster in modern English biblical translations, Yamm the twisting serpent in the Baal Cycle tablets, and Lotan in Canaanite mythology. The battle with the spirit of Leviathan may be one of the most difficult that you may encounter in your Christian walk. 2012 under the direction of the Lord false accusations against people, they just dont have wall. 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Rebellion is like the sin of divination, and flames shoot from his mouth not affect your sale any! ; s operation with your full name and we our intercessors will put you on prayer... That person becomes worse than the person under its influence so that the! Spirit would not go out unless you fast and pray the religious spirit in... Partnerships and marriages suffer from the spirit of Leviathan ; you gave him as meat to other... Wake up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( thinking they are the only ones going to heaven and the capacity to easily shatter and. Glorythe HAIR focus is a characteristic of those who witness the fall a demonic.... Times humbling yourself to the other spouse during arguments the evil of idolatry teeth, scales! Are pushed out necked and stubborn fat that their eyes are pushed.! Nearly 50 years of marriage has manifested on rocky ground use this uses... Sea, wherein are things creeping innumerable, both small and great beasts enemy... 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Truth sets free of thorns, men do not gather figs, nor of a bramble bush gather they..