), born in Paris, was one of the main writers of the physiocratic school of economics. In humans, it's associated with consanguinity and incest, in which close relatives have sexual relationships and children. Because the state of Delaware is controlled by the DuPonts, et. He believed nature was a higher God than his mechanical deist God. Ranking just above baseball, incest is one of Americas most popular pastimes. In 1916, after successfully blocking his uncle Henry A. duPont from being reelected, Alfred duPont bought control of 9 Delaware newspapers. John Wales (Sen. 1849-51), Freemason, Pres. The December 8 auction being held under state and city pandemic guidelines will include several notable sapphires, signed jewels from several important private collections and 15 art objects by contemporary high jewelry artist, Daniel Brush. I have found the (Gardners in the thick of Satanism and witchcraft. It's exclusive not because they want to keep others out, but to keep their inbreds locked in. When I began learning what the DuPont industries produce it is utterly astonishing. Further Leighton was grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Freemasons in Pennslyvannia, Grand Prelate of the Knights Templar, and chaplain of the Delaware Society of the Cincinnati. and there are scenes in it where strangers are kissing each other-well, not exactly strangers because the training is designed to break down individuality and to create a group think with intimacy. Pierre-Samuel du Pont, founder of an American dynasty that believed in inbreeding, hinted at these factors when he told his family: "The marriages that I should prefer for our colony would be between the cousins. Boeing and Lockhead are definitely involved with the production of flying saucers, so this may be a good due that DuPont is too. The history of DuPont is a history of scientific and technological breakthroughs. The last police raid against any occult activity was over five years ago, and it appears that the Satanists are in the key positions in the Mill City and Gates. This triumvirate revived the aging Du Pont factories. Du Pont reportedly began shooting at geese near the pond,nearlyhitting theyoung child in the process. Du Pont reportedly began shooting at geese near the pond, nearly hitting the young child in the process. In 1802, leuthre Irne du Pont established a gunpowder mill on the banks of the Brandywine River near Wilmington, Delaware. Ad Choices, Donald Trump to Evangelicals: You Cant Break Up With Me Because Im Breaking Up With You First, Reality Is Submerged in Fantasy: The Villages Is a Boomers UtopiaAnd Demographic Time Bomb, Ezra Millers Messiah Delusions: Inside. During the next year after that, DuPont was a frequent visitor to Franklins residence in the village of Passy. But behind their success was a dark secret: incest. (Good for him!) Senator and from 1901 to 1903 Delaware had no U.S.Senators. With cousin marriage common within the family for an entire century. But no amount of bribe would work, as the Frenchmen knew they would lose thefr lives if they gave the secrets to him. Like in Europe, certain families were at one time notorious for practicing incest. In 1913, Alfred at one point letting his rage get the better of him, got the Delaware legislature to pass a special law changing his first wifes sons name to spite his first wife. and vote counting were totally corrupt. In the biography about Alfred which I read it said: Alfred had scored over his sister Marguerite. "In return," The New York Times notes, "he was allowed to play police officer, driving around with a badge, gun and siren.". From the beginning, our company has changed and evolved, so that we . Henry du Pont (1812-1889) took over command of the gunpowder manufacturing when he was thirty-eight. (see A Woman Named Jackie, by C. David Heymann, p. 18). The CEO of E.l. du Pont de Nemours & Co. is Edgar Woolard who took over in 1989. THE NEXT GENERATION Pierre Samuels grandchildren. Besides the secret occult activities of the British Monarch, they have been openly leaders of Freemasonry. The very survival of the United States military is dependent upon the military products of the DuPonts. Prussian Baron Anacharsis Clootz was also a Freemason and illuminatus. Prince Joao, who also suffered from the genetic challenges created by inbreeding, was considered incompetent for the job of regent in 1799. He was also protected by the daughter of Swiss financier Jacques Necker. Alfred built his cousin-wife Alicia the most expensive house on the east coast. But how? But more than that, it's a story of transformation. Here is what I have been able to find out. 13, p.386 that Albert Gallatin claimed to be descended from the ancient Roman Consul Callatinus. These men had great authority over the tribe of duPonts. 1819-1822) Collins family, Caleb P. Bennett (Gov. have been active Masons. Much of what seems coincidence and unrelated is actually according to a yery clever (diabolical) plan. 0:00. The former home of Margaretta "Gret" du Pont and her husband, former DuPont Corp. President Crawford "Greenie" Greenewalt, is now on the market. [4] The family's interest in horticulture was planted in the United States by their immigrant progenitors from France and was also nourished and cultivated in later generations by avid gardeners who married into the family. In June 1892, William du Pont married Annie Rogers Zinn, the daughter of the locomotive maker Theodore Rogers (d. November 18, 1871) and Mary Andrews Rogers (d. March 11, 1918). According to a local legend in Delaware, the years of incest gradually distorted their minds. Yet, my 1983 World Almanac (which lists in fine print about 1,300 associations) gives the membership of the Society of the Cincinnati at 2,800. Mosleys lively chronicle weaves together a sweeping business historywell larded with corporate dirty tricksand the personal stories of dozens of du Ponts, the honorable ones, the stuffy ones, and the outrageous ones. A friend called my attention to Inside Editions television story on Lewis Dupont Smith, the heir to the $10 million fortune of the Du Pont Chemical Co. Lewis Dupont Smith is exposing his family. Within only a short time after getting started in 1802 they had the best quality gunpowder in the world for the general market. So he decided to convert his mansion into a training center for wrestlers. By the 1800s it was said that every royal in Europe was mentally ill. And certainly that every royal family was an inbred family. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. For instance they just say, I believe in Christ.. On August 22, 1857 the du Ponts lost their first family member to an explosion, Alexis duPont. Alfred divorced his wife to marry his cousin, and the Coleman and many of the others did not approve of the marriage. Even with long term inbreeding, dangerous genes are so recessive that only a minority suffer their consequences. Eleuthre lrne Du Pont was a major printer for the Jacobins. The DuPonts obviously are in close cooperation with the elite involved with oil-because so many of their products are derivatives of petroleum products. In fact, the Taft family which dates back to Braintree Mass. There was one piece of equipment noticeably missing from FoxcatcherFarm's state-of-the-art training facility: the treadmill. Lord Peter Carrington, who is a member of the satanic Order of Osiris and other demonic groups is a member of the Order of the Garter. Over time, the Du Pont company grew into the largest black powder manufacturing firm in the world. And I hadnt even heard about it until I got this tip from this ex-illuminatus. Fred was murdered. Later, he added 'de Nemours' to his name to prevent confusion with two other Duponts in the French Chamber of Deputies. 2:15. Anything that involves chemicals is under their production. The original idea for all the French Revolution started with the Satanic hierarchy. Many of the high ranking Masons who were also officers in the Revolution were Original Members. I suggest that everyone who believes that the DuPonts and the rest of the elite are capitalists, should take another look at history. Few people are aware of the immense importance bloodlines play in the upper levels of Satanism. Alfred Victor apparently didnt feel anything negative toward this. The Freemason Baron von Steuben is credited with starting the organization. Both T. Coleman and Henry A. du Pont served as U.S. senators, and Pierre S. du Pont, IV served as Governor of Delaware. The DuPonts had friends in various places that helped them in numerous ways, getting financing, business, land, etc. What is most significant in this whole thing to me is that my article got other people cognizant of what happening so that they could teach themselves. Incredible as it may seem, the black nobility have kept track of their bloodlines. I am trying to break ground so that people will understand more about how the elite think, etc. A sometimes-athlete himself, du Pontbecame obsessed with wrestling. Legend links the mansion to the DuPont family and the specifics of what happened there remain unknown. Du Pontwas convinced that their clocks were sending him back in time, so he ordered them removed. He also wears the rosette of an Officier de Ia Lgion d Honneur. Tim Colt - the perverted patriarch of the Colt family - ran an "incest" farm in the Australian outback where he raped his daughters with his sons and fathered their children. On Jan. 3, 1800, the DuPont tribe arrived in the United States with grandiose plans. Theyre one of Hollywoods brightest starsand most troubled actors. The du Pont family (English: /dupnt/)[1] or Du Pont family is a prominent American family descended from Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours (17391817). John du Pont was sentenced to 13 to 30 years in 1997 for the 1996 murder of Olympic gold medal winner David Schultz. Recently, John Coleman, a researcher on the elite, commented to me that when he had researched the Queen of Denmark he had discovered that the royal danish family was slipping away secretly from everyone and they were going to Satanic rituals. At that time the DuPonts had powder plants in PA, DEL, Iowa, and TN. The Du Ponts had organized a local militia called the Brandywine Rangers. The signs of du Pont's rapidly fraying psyche were clear, but no one spoke up - and their silence had grim consequences. Inbreeding is the process of mating genetically similar organisms. I, the Du Ponts made a mint. Founded in 1926, DuPont Pioneer is a large U.S. producer of hybrid seeds for agriculture. Copyright 2020 Humans Are Free. Anyway, the bottom line is that behind the scenes, all of the Governors since the 1920s have been approved by the duPonts. John claimed the mansion was hunted and that ghosts hated him personally. Eyewitnesses testify that Satan has a very detailed plan which he entrusts to his very select few at the top. Free subscription>>, Please consider a donation to help us keep this American treasure alive. The DuPonts are to be commended on this, even If at times they have been very tight on what they have given their workers. His name was Leighton Coleman (1837-19??) The family's first American estate, Eleutherian Mills, located at Hagley Museum and Library, was preserved and restored by Louise E. du Pont Crowninshield. Two canals one through the Suez and one through Panama were needed they said to create Interdependence between the nations. N.Y. Equitable Life Assurance company undoubtedly brought Coleman in touch with other Illuminati elite. At one point he directly told his family: The marriages that I should prefer for our colony would be between the cousins. In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it expanded its wealth through the chemical industry and the automotive industry,[2][3] with substantial interests in the DuPont company, General Motors, and various other corporations. Coleman du Pont, who was familiar with Maggies, soon went down to Maggies, retrieved the body with a hearse and took the body to Bidermans house. Others did so to ensure their fortune would remain within the family. Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours was the son of a Parisian watchmaker and a member of a Burgundian Huguenot family, and descendant of a minor noble family on his mother's side. The name of the mansion was named Nemours. Trade and Economic Council (which Rockefeller plays a big part of). Once people begin to really catch on to things, they will begin to detect things all around that are happening in regards to the NWO. But what is this organization? The name of the chemical company founded by the family is today styled solid as "DuPont" in the short form (but the long form is styled as E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company); the stylings "Du Pont" and "DuPont" for the company's short name coexisted in the 20th century, but the latter is now consistently used in the company's branding. But with these folks openly coming from inbred stock, and some clearly insane folks . The article states that DuPont has been a leading supplier for advanced US military programs. Coleman bought New York Equitable Life Assurance Society, which was Americas largest insurance company. Ed Bali and Jessie Ball du Pont (his widow) took over control of his estate. Many of the executives are men whose philosophy of life matches the duPonts. and Aristotle Onassis) had a grandfather named Major Bouvier, who invented a family genealogy which was mostly fiction which was self-published in 1925 as Our Forebears, but the fantasy Bouvier genealogy allowed him and his sons Bud and Black Jack to get into The Society of the Cincinnati. On January 26, 1996, du Pont murdered Dave Schultz. The Mason Pierre LEnfant who designed the City of Washington with its hidden occult symbols also designed the logo for the Society of the Cincinnati. by Leonard Mosley Atheneum 32 photographs, 448 pages, $15.00. Why spend time belonging to an organization whose only purpose is to commemorate the fact that all Its members are descendents of Revolutionary War officers? Initially, Pierre was a watchmaker, but within a short time he attracted the attention of several top Illuminati for his ability to write good tracts, and articles that advocated various economic and political views that they wanted promoted. Henry A. DuPont ( Sen.1 895-1896) ( 1906-1916) In 1896, the U.S. Senate rejected his election and therefore Henry duPonts credentials due to proof of voter fraud. If that isn't enough reason to put them on your watch list, here are 11 more. This was proven by royal families in Europe. The family has also played an important role in historic preservation and land conservation, including helping to found the National Trust for Historic Preservation, preserving President James Madison's home Montpelier, and establishing numerous museums such as Winterthur and the Delaware Museum of Natural History. The ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries- which is allied with the Warburg family) in England and DuPont swapped plants. The duPonts had always beea in the forefront on safety at their gunpowder factories, but that did not prevent them from having to suffer repeated explosions over the years. In 1940, it was estimated the duPont family was worth $5 billion. That we know less about individual du Ponts than about Rockefellers or Vanderbilts, Mosley says in this highly entertaining history of the dynasty, is because self-appointed family archivists and the companys tight-lipped public relations men have for years sanitized the record. It is hard to read the history of America since 1800 without running into du Ponts. It may be that the most powerful DuPont may also secretly serve as the highest Satanist. in 1985, Ed Balls widow claimed that Eds sister Jessie had actually murdered Alfred I. duPont in 1935. But theres a big difference between protective custody or solitary confinement in prison, and walking free after being convicted of raping your daughter and admitting to assaulting your son. Several former du Pont family estates are open to the public as museums, gardens or parks, such as Winterthur, Nemours, Eleutherian Mills, Longwood Gardens, Gibraltar, Mt. The Society of the Cincinnati was partly responsible for getting that changed. Not only are their Satanic activities deeply hidden, but even just the normal everyday sinfulness or human soap box drama of their lives is deeply hidden. William du Pont (1855-1928) was trapped in a marriage with a duPont cousin, May du Pont, that he ditnt want to be married to. I also left out a great deal of the inside story on the politicking that has gone on in Delaware this century. Close, unassailed, it keeps to itself, hides its scandals, boasts not of its good works, but continues, within American democracy, to exert its own indomitable way.. Irnes success can be attributed to several factors: The french government gave him top secret machinery and plans to produce the best gunpowder possible in that day. The corporation is one of the top ten companies completely strangling the natural world - and it needs to stop. Either way it always led to disastrous consequences, to the point it was almost synonymous with tragedy. Sophie was also her mothers name. The duPont family still maintains this fiction is true, although all the facts of the case are blatantly known, and were public knowledge to quite a number of people whose lives were involved with what actually happened. His clumsy attempt to clear his name, in a no-holds-barred interview with BBC, let him off with no jail time, arguing that six-foot-four Richards will not fare well in prison, describes the convicted rapist in this case, also admitted to sexually assaulting his infant son. This was the first of a series of luxury hotels. He is especially knowledgeable about what drugs will do to a person, which le an area of his research. With such a small gene pool, inbreeding was inevitable. They numbered over 100. The Du Ponts began to build a great chemical empire on the synthetic, such as shatterproof glass, paints, rayon, nylon, dyes, photographic flim, rubber, chemicals, drugs, etc. Jefferson arranged for the first gunpowder order (which was a government order) when the Du Ponts went into the gunpowder business. An explosion at a gunpowder factory is easily set off and very deadly. As early as 1924, the du Ponts were recognized by Charles Sprague Sargent, the famed plantsman and director of Harvard's Arnold Arboretum, as "a family which has made the neighborhood of Wilmington, Delaware one of the chief centers of horticulture in the United States."[5]. He served no jail time, leading many to wonder if his wealth influenced the ultimate sentencing. It is quite possible that it was Annes bloodline that gave the Du ponts their occult power. That felony can carry up to 15 years in prison, though its not unusual for those convicted to face lesser time. This is a process that the Illuminati want to implement to further take us into a total slave state. Exceptional blue sapphires accounted for four of the top six lots at Christies New York Magnificent Jewels auction held Tuesday. Although Anne was a Huguenot, she was a medium with the spirit world. Most of us are using DuPont products almost continuously all through the day! Its a fun idea. When du Pont's behavior became erratic, it became really erratic. General Motors, the explosives and gunpowder monopoly, the chemical monopoly (which its tens of thousands of products) gives the duPonts enormous financial leverage. merits a more complicated answer than simply "He killed a man." Forbes magazine carried the story in Oct., 1965. According to Schultz's brother, du Pont had simply driven up, asked the wrestler, "Do you have a problem with me?" At any rate, Samuel and Annes son was the first du Pont to rise to greatness, and the first du Pont that can be connected directly to the Illuminati. In that way we should be sure of honesty of soul and purity of blood. in 1679, helped start the Skull & Bones Order and at least eight Tafts have been in the Order.). From 1906 until 1920, the du Pont family broke up into two factions that waged a civil war in various arenas. I do not know which particular men have served during the Satanic rituals. In English the second syllable is accented. (How or why he got this I havent found out.). When Eugene DuPont, the chief executive of the family gunpowder/high explosive business died near the turn of the century, none of the other DuPonts hardly even a vague idea of how much the company was worth or what assets it had. But their descendants? As you can see I was very suspicious of the Society of the Cincinnati, it appears I had stumbled onto something big. It was a confederation of Independent states-each of the states printed their money, passed their own laws, etc. One of the items our new-age Dept. All three Bouviers were very proud of their memberships and would proudly display their boutonnieres on their labels showing membership. Despite recent protestations on the part of a few wealthy Americans who would have us believe that their current circumstances are somehow akin to the besiegement suffered by German Jews on Kristalnacht, it turns out that being wealthy in America can come in very handyparticularly for rich defendants convicted of [], see photosCarnival Film and Television Limited 2011Click for full photo gallery: Costumes Of Downton Abbey The Winterthur Museum, Garden and Library is about to provide a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to Downton Abbey fans: an exhibition of 40 costumes worn by the hit television series characters, both upstairs and down, in its first []. 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