The content of MATS is intended to be consistent with the content of the AIP so that procedures and practices used by pilots and air traffic controllers are standardised. The captain reported their recent sleep as normal. In addressing those issues, the ATSB prefers to encourage relevant organisation(s) to proactively initiate safety action, rather than to issue formal safety recommendations or safety advisory notices. . On the morning of 18 June 2013, a Boeing 737 aircraft, registered VH-YIR and operated by Virgin Australia, was conducting a scheduled passenger service from Brisbane, Queensland to Adelaide, South Australia. Link to Mildura Observations on BoM, or for more detailed weather and climatic conditions log in to Order Water. PS The silence accorded the Bureau by the mainstream media for all of their indiscretions is much more complete than that ever accorded Barnaby Joyce. A LOW fuel indication and/or fuel IMBAL indication would normally result in the flight crew actioning the appropriate nonnormal checklist in the aircrafts Quick Reference Handbook (QRH). 1 tank had 887 kg and the No. In support of this occurrence investigation, the ATSB initiated a research investigation into the reliability of aviation weather forecasts at Adelaide and Mildura Airports between 2009 and 2013(AR-2013-200 that will, on completion, be available at Critical to the assurance of safe flight, all elements of the aviation system including weather services, air traffic services, aircraft operators and flight crews need to have a clear understanding of their roles and responsibilities in that system. A number of information sources are available to assist this in-flight decision making in relation to assessing the weather affecting a flight and the need to divert to an alternate destination. This was despite the fact that the AWIS was not broadcasting, as communicated in the NOTAM. The controllers were supported by aisle supervisors and a systems supervisor. However, CAR 257(5) specified that if an emergency arises that, in the interests of safety, makes it necessary for an aircraft to land at an aerodrome where the meteorological minima is less than that determined for that aircraft operation at that aerodrome then CAR 257(4) did not apply. Light winds. While the provision of FIS for known hazardous flight conditions is supplied to pilots, this is dependent on many factors, including controller workload. Finding an ideal family-friendly small hotel in Mildura does not have to be difficult. The controller could request specific SPECI reports for an airport if required; however, only those SPECI reports that covered airports without an ABS would be automatically sent to the controllers workstation. data from an electronic probe and mercury thermometer operating side-by-side for a period of time. Meteorological Information for Aircraft in Flight (VOLMET). However, on the day the fog did not clear as anticipated, which resulted in the forecast end period for the fog being inaccurate. Given the sleep obtained and rest opportunities available, it is not considered likely that FO fatigue was a factor in the occurrence. The second chart and table were added to this post the next morning (12 Feb. 2018) to aid understanding, and add clarity. Airservices advised that this was because diversions are common and controllers are encouraged not to become involved in pilot decision making. Instead, pilot awareness of the implications for the flight of the reported weather conditions is crucial to effective in-flight decision making. Prior to the changes to the AIP and MATS in March 2009, ATC notified pilots receiving an ATC service about all SPECI reports and amendments to forecasts. number of redundancies available in the event of a system component failure. To get other months or places not on this web site, contact us. These conditions can be determined by BoM or other AWSs. As such, both crews were able to land under the provisions of CAR 257(5). All rights reserved. The only section in the AIP that defined hazard alerting procedures stated: A sudden (not forecast NOTAMed) change to a component of FIS having an immediate and detrimental effect on the safety of an aircraft will be communicated by ATC using the prefix Hazard Alert. READ MORE. The ATSB identified that both flight crew uploaded sufficient fuel for the originally-forecast conditions in accordance with their operators fuel policy and the Civil Aviation Safety Authority requirements. The flight crew of Qantas 735 queried the fog at Adelaide Airport with the en route controller in the sector prior to Tailem Bend, at around 0816. Automatic En Route Information Service (AERIS), Aerodrome Weather Information Service (AWIS), and. Wouldnt it be possible to simply put an electronic probe and a classic thermometer into a Stevenson enclosure or a temperature controlled environment for comparison? A safety issue is an event or condition that increases safety risk and (a) can reasonably be regarded as having the potential to adversely affect the safety of future operations, and (b) is a characteristic of an organisation or a system, rather than a characteristic of a specific individual, or characteristic of an operating environment at a specific point in time. At the time the amended TAF was issued at 0700, Velocity 1384 was at FL 400 in the cruise, about 150 NM (278 km) from Brisbane. Under the provision of FIS, for major airports and airports without a broadcasting AWIS, pilots will be alerted if they are within 60minutes of the affected destination or the relevant condition. Why would you not have the 5 year comparison data available for validation or comparison? The signal transmitted does not include inherent directional information. You should read the important information in these notes. In addition, they had sufficient fuel to hold for about 45 minutes should the fog last longer than forecast and land with required fuel reserves. Anything that impacts on the provision of SPECI reports and other operational information to pilots increases the risk that pilots will not be aware of the changes at the destination in sufficient time to support in-flight planning and effective decision making. The visibility then started to increase, with the first SPECI showing no fog, but with mist and overcast cloud at 100 ft being issued at 1048. In addition, it was possible for fog to exist at nearby locations, such as at Edinburgh Airport, without operations at Adelaide Airport being affected. The blue shaded area represents what hydrologists estimate the extent of the floods may be based on historical information captured (for example: photos and gauge heights). On 6 April 2004 an Airbus A330 aircraft landed on runway 34L at Sydney Airport in weather conditions that were below the applicable landing minima. On board were 6 crew members and 85 passengers. In order to better quantify the residual risk, specifically the likelihood of unforecast weather deterioration, the ATSB is examining the reliability of aerodrome forecasts as part of research investigation AR-2013-200 Reliability of aviation weather forecasts. inadvertent flight below the minimum permitted altitude. The dispatch duty manager had oversight of the dispatch and flight watch functions at Qantas Airways Ltd. (Qantas). While the RNAV GNSS approach had a minima of 660 ft, if the actual aerodrome QNH was obtained from an approved source, this could be reduced to 560 ft. AIP ENR 1.5 section 5.3.2 defines approved sources of actual QNH as ATC and ATIS except when the aerodrome forecast QNH is provided [such as when the actual aerodrome QNH is not available], AWIS and CASAapproved meteorological observers. Additionally, the AWB for Adelaide included the potential for fog by way of a code grey, but the TAF issued at 1800 did not forecast fog. The BoM, however, claims that temperature measurements from electronic probes are nevertheless comparable with measurements from mercury thermometers because the BoMs purpose-designed probes closely mirror the behaviour of liquid-in-glass thermometers, including the time constant. The crew reported that as they descended toward the revised minimum, the extent of the cloud reduced and they gained sufficient visual reference of the runway environment to continue the approach. These included updates of forecasts and observations and occurred frequently for the remainder of the flight to waypoint BLACK (48 NM or 89 km from Adelaide). The FO mentioned the TEMPO during the crews discussion of the diversion to Mildura; however, at that time the captain was conducting a separate calculation and the crew did not discuss the TEMPO requirements any further. The transmission is prefixed by Hazard Alert. Notwithstanding this industry view, there is a requirement for pilots to obtain all relevant weather information inflight to aid operational decision making. As a consequence, the data for this period from the mercury thermometer is not normally distributed, as shown in Figure 1. Web. The provision of flight information service by New Zealand ATC and the precedence afforded the provision of ATC services over FIS are consistent with the service provided by Airservices. Ltd. as Velocity 1384 and VH-VYK operated by Qantas Airways Ltd. as Qantas 735, were on scheduled flights to Adelaide, South Australia. As such, the dissemination of AIREP information by ATC remains a necessary source of information for BoM and should be actioned whenever possible. At 0937 the crew of Qantas 735 contacted the crew of Velocity 1384 to discuss the arrival and the crew of Velocity 1384 stated that they were tracking to the initial waypoint to commence the RNAV GNSS approach to runway 27. On the same morning, another B737 aircraft, registered VH-VYK and operated by Qantas Airways, was conducting a scheduled passenger service from Sydney, New South Wales, to Adelaide. Web. The FO of Velocity 1384 raised the TEMPO as an issue with the captain; however, at that time the captains attention was on another matter and the TEMPO was not discussed. When the amended TAF for Adelaide Airport was issued at 0700, neither Velocity 1384 nor Qantas 735 were within 60 minutes of Adelaide. In addition, the BoM uses a non-standard method of recording temperatures from such devices. Real life experience as shown in the graphs in the article tell us that the readings are not comparable at all. At the time of release of this report, the BoM was progressing the action items from the report and will discuss the outcomes with CASA. Unforecast fog developed at Sydney Airport after the aircraft passed the flight planned last point of safe diversion, which had been based on a diversion to Melbourne. A number of reviews of the ATSB occurrence database were carried out in an effort to understand the potential operational and other factors in this occurrence. The flight crews of Velocity 1384 and Qantas 735 gave precedence to the aerodrome weather reports at Mildura over the aerodrome forecast when deciding to divert. The Airservices investigation into this occurrence noted that the Mallee controller did not consider the air ambulance pilots report significantly different to the forecast TEMPO conditions in the 0158TAF for Mildura. It stated that FIS was to include operational information about meteorological conditions and hazard alerts. LOW VIS PROCSWND 360/5, MAX DW 5 KTS.VIS 500M IN FOGCLD FEW015TMP 6.QNH 1020, SPECI YPAD 172300Z 04006KT 0150 FG BKN000 06/06 Q1021RMK RF00.0/000.0TTF: FM2330 05005KT 9999 FEW025, METAR YMIA 172300Z 23004KT 9999 BKN039 07/06 Q1019RMK RF00.0/000.2, TAF YPAD 172302Z 1800/1906VRB05KT 9999 FEW030 SCT045FM181000 VRB05KT CAVOKFM190000 04008KT CAVOKRMKT 11 14 15 11 Q 1020 1020 1020 1021, TAF YMIA 172302Z 1800/181220008KT 9999 SCT030 SCT050RMKT 08 12 13 10 Q 1020 1019 1019 1020, ATIS YPAD Y 172311APCH: EXP INST APCHRWY: 23OPR INFO: HIAL ON. A review of the international aviation system identified that Australia is comparable to the international industry, particularly with regard to the provision of flight information services (FIS). If the ETA is outside the validity of the TTF, then the weather requirements shall be determined from the current TAF. This service was structured to support the responsibility of pilots to obtain information inflight on which to base operational decisions relating to the continuation or diversion of a flight.. User Guides Weather Link to Mildura Observations on BoM, or for more detailed weather and climatic conditions log in to Order Water. By providing SPECI information proactively, the risk of it being missed as a function of pilot workload, or limitations in the range of AWIS, is reduced. Before that point, there had been no requirement for the aircraft to carry fuel to continue to a suitable alternate. Completing the fuel imbalance checklist with low fuel on board would have resulted in the closure of the crossfeed valve (see appendix B). There is no regulatory requirement to carry alternate aerodrome fuel in the case of a code grey forecast and they are not routinely referred to by short haul flight crew or in the construction of flight plans for short haul domestic operations. The pilot reported weather conditions at the airport for the information of inbound aircraft. The first was at 0816 when Qantas 735 queried the conditions in Adelaide based on the forecast of fog in the 0800 TTF. In September 2007, the MATS was entirely reformatted and the reference to amendments changed to versions, with version1 being effective on 7 September 2007. Service. If you have any questions about this product, or you want any other weather or climate information, please contact us. These include increased monitoring and support as required and the potential to reduce pilot workload in stressful situations. There was a slight improvement before it again reduced below 1,000 m at 0959, remaining there until 1026 when there were further fluctuations. These included a number of amendments in June 2007 and another in March 2009, which are discussed below. However, neither crew had access to this TAF and, even if they had, they would not have been able to use it for flight planning purposes at that stage as it was not valid for use before 1000. A signal from an aircraft to the ground station is used to calculate its distance from the ground station. Partly cloudy. This was the forecast that was available to the crews of Velocity 1384 and Qantas 735 at their times of departure and used for flight planning. any other Suitable Airport to which an enroute diversion can be made. The ABS and the on-request service remained as described in the previous version of the AIP. AIP GEN3.3 section 2.5.2 stated that: When providing FIS, ATC will not alert pilots to the availability of aerodrome weather reports that are available from an automatic broadcast service. During normal operations both engines are pressure fed from the centre tank until it is empty and then each engine is pressure fed from its respective wing tank. That change was to reflect the availability of ABS and amendments to ATC-directed FIS. **** This was on the basis that, given their arrival time, it would not affect the flight. The AIP defined hazard alerts to include: observations, pilot reports, or amended forecasts indicating that weather conditions at the destination have unexpectedly deteriorated below the IFR or VFR alternate minima, and. Web Design & Digital Marketing Agency Mildura - Build Digital Growth . The 0303 TAF for Adelaide on the morning of the occurrence forecast scattered cloud and light winds. This online flood map allows you to search for your property address and gives a better indication of where floodwatersmayreach. The AIP ENR 1.10 paragraph 1.1 had a requirement for a pilot in command to consider forecasts and observation reports during their pre-flight planning. The crew of Velocity 1384 reported using the observation reports to confirm their understanding of Milduras suitability as an alternate destination. These included a RNAV GNSS approach to runway 27 with a minima of 660 ft and a Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)[16] or GNSS arrival, to be used with the Mildura non-directional beacon (NDB)[17] or VHF omnidirectional radio range (VOR)[18] ground-based navigation aids. A Notice To Airmen advises personnel concerned with flight operations of information concerning the establishment, condition or change in any aeronautical facility, service, procedure, or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential for safe flight. Those practice approaches were carried out in conditions equal to or better than the CAT I minima. The crew of Velocity 1384 (who were not authorised to conduct an autoland at Adelaide as Virgin did not have the appropriate approval from CASA to conduct an autoland) also used the observations at Mildura as the basis of their decision to divert to that airport. The captain held an Air Transport Pilot (Aeroplane) Licence with a Boeing 737-300 to -800 endorsement and a current Class 1 Aviation Medical Certificate with a restriction that distance correction was to be worn, and reading correction be available while exercising the privileges of the licence. The approach was being conducted in instrument meteorological conditions. This would indicate that the actions of the Mallee controller, which were reportedly influenced by workload, were not symptomatic of a systemic issue in the provision of flight information service (FIS). At 0800, the BoM issued an updated trend forecast (TTF)[4], which showed that fog had reduced visibility at Adelaide and was expected to clear by 0900. Phone:(03) 5018 8100 Between 0928 and 0932, three further SPECIs were issued for Mildura, indicating that visibility was decreasing in mist. The section of this version on the provision of FIS to pilots in flight indicated that the controller was to provide FIS to all aircraft that were being provided with an ATC service. These reports: The on-request service is available to all aircraft in all classes of airspace on VHF or HF. These conditions were reported back to Qantas 735 as including a visibility of 700 m in fog. If they revised the probe design several times there must have been some records kept of how, why and where. CASA, in their response stated that ultimately the decision [to continue to the destination or initiate a diversion] rests with the pilot in command, but only can be based on available forecasts (TAF), Aerodrome Weather Reports (METAR/SPECI), Aerodrome Weather Information Service (AWIS) or observations. C. After issuing the 0952 amended TAF, the BoM received a call about the weather at Mildura from the BoM meteorologist located at the Airservices national operations centre. Safety issues, or system problems, are highlighted in bold to emphasise their importance. At 0916, the pilot of an air ambulance flight departing Mildura made a call to ATC that conditions were deteriorating, with a cloud base at 400 ft. The FOs relevant aeronautical experience is outlined in Table 4. At 0953, Velocity 1384 informed ATC that they would have to declare a fuel emergency in 10minutes. However, as the deterioration was forecast to improve prior to their arrival, it is likely that, at that stage, they would have elected to continue to Adelaide. As a result of its increased understanding of events, the ATSB has expanded the scope of its investigation to examine both of these diversions and their broader context. In addition, it was noted that: Flight information will be made available, whenever practicable, to any aircraft in communication with an ATC unit, prior to takeoff or when in flight, except where such service is provided by the aircraft operator. This could be reduced to 1,133 ft if the actual aerodrome QNH was used (see below), although the visibility requirement remained at 6km. This investigation will analyse Bureau of Meteorology data across Australian airports, with a focus on those supporting regular public transport operations, and is subject to the availability of long-term data holdings of aviation forecasts and observations. I am shocked that as late as the 90s and 2000s they were not taking every precaution in preservation of a national and world treasure. The captain of Qantas 735 reported feeling that the observation reports were more reliable given the inaccuracy of the forecast at Adelaide. It is a bit hard to fathom. At this stage, the company meteorologist called the BoM to determine their confidence in this clearance and also reviewed other information sources to determine the possible impact of fog on the arrival of Velocity 1384. However, this call occurred just prior to the commencement of the 2-hour, continuous loop cockpit voice recording for the flight. Mostly sunny. To The 0954 amended TAF was passed to Mildura traffic by the Mallee controller once it was released by the BoM. examine the accuracy of aviation meteorological products in Australia, examine the procedures used to provide information to flight crews from air traffic services and management of changes to those procedures, examine the provision by the operators of information to the respective flight crews. The bureau needs a big shake-up from the top down. The AIP also indicated that the FIS comprised three elements: The automatic broadcast services (ABS) consisted of: An automatic terminal information service (ATIS) is an automated pre-recorded transmission indicating the prevailing weather conditions at an airport and other relevant operational information for arriving and departing aircraft. Section 10.2.4 contained the caveat that: It should be remembered that the controllers primary function is to provide safe separation between aircraft. There was only one occurrence found where the pilot believed they should have received greater assistance from ATC, however that occurred in the context of high controller workload and potential miscommunication between the pilot and ATC about the situation. They are very very accurate but taking a different time and or time curve shape to warm up and cool down means that for a rapid change in temperature they will accurately record a different value. For example, a report showing an improvement in the weather may be useful to an aircraft in the holding pattern directly overhead the aerodrome, to decide on whether or not to fly the approach or not. The SCARD assessed changes to FIS, including that SPECIs that can be obtained from an ABS do not need to be directed or broadcast to aircraft by ATS. For an understanding of the aircrafts positions at this time, see Figure 1. 3.3.6 Where ATC units provide both FIS and ATC service, the provision of ATC service will take precedence over the provision of FIS whenever the provision of ATC service so requires. A trend forecast is defined as an aerodrome weather report to which a statement of trend is appended. Virgin flight watch personnel reported receiving and reviewing this TAF when it was issued. Exposure to weather conditions below the landing minima at Mildura was found to be very unlikely during the period studied. A draft of this report was provided to the flight crews of Velocity 1384 and Qantas 735, Airservices Australia, the Bureau of Meteorology, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority, Virgin Australia AirlinesPty. In other words, considering the forecasts that did not predict conditions below the alternate minima (0.09 per cent), and all observations below the landing minima (0.99 per cent), in the period 20092013, 10 per cent of the time that the observations were below the landing minima at Mildura Airport, those conditions were not forecast (0.09/0.99). Li, WC 2011, The causal factors of aviation accidents related to decision errors in the cockpit by system approach, Journal of Aeronautics, Astronautics and Aviation, Series A, 43, pp. Officers may, at times, experience situations not specifically covered whereby the safety of an aircraft may be considered to be in doubt. In relation to the provision of ATC-initiated FIS at Mildura, the controller responsible for the Mallee en route sector reported that workload initially precluded them from passing information on the weather deterioration at Mildura Airport. Decision making can be influenced by such factors as workload and stress (Li, 2011; Harris & Li, 2015). Mildura was equipped with an Aerodrome Weather Information Service (AWIS) from which pilots could normally access current weather reports. And they fail! The flight following policy was rewritten. Airservices advised that monitoring of a flight will increase if flight crew declare an emergency. Good girl Jennifer. In this update, ATC stated that the visibility was now 500 m in fog, with no landing attempts having been made for a while. At 0948 the crew of the Dash-8 asked Qantas 735 for their assessment of the weather. This included weather forecasts, amended forecasts and observations and reports indicating weather conditions at the destination have deteriorated below the Instrument or Visual Flight Rules alternate minima. However, this reduced their options after the unexpected need to divert from Adelaide to a suitable alternate destination. Figure 6: Overview of the Automatic Weather Station outputs and end user products. 0. The MATS that was valid at the time of the occurrence stated that if ATC is providing both controlling and FIS, precedence was to be given to the provision of air traffic control over FIS. Practice approaches were carried out in conditions equal to or better than the I... Passed to Mildura Observations on BoM, or for more detailed weather and conditions... The event of a flight will increase if flight crew declare an emergency airservices advised that monitoring of system... Such factors as workload bom mildura observations stress ( Li, 2015 ) a necessary source of for! 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