In the first edition of Ninth Division News, (a likely forerunner of the Octofoil) dated 13 June 1945, the first article was entitled "Ninth Division Association Boasts 4000". When the name changed back to Bearcat is unknown, but probably after it became the new home of the 3rd Brigade of the 9th Infantry Division Old Reliable's in December 1966. Overall base camp was pretty quiet few rockets and morters made us jump into bunkers every now and then. I too was with the 5/42 Field Artillery. I remember an episode when they were testing a weapon called the Vulcan mounted on an APC. contact team sites in bad guy country, 44) 62) Barbed wire and the beauty of blooming flowers on the berm. Shop area Bearcat -- M88 unloads damaged M113 ARMY 1969 1-9th Cav Ops Report Apr . The building with His former wife found the film and had it developed and gave it to his Son who I found 3 years ago and he sent me the photos which with his permission, were posted on the Vietnam Security Police Association Website. The Unit conducted combat operations around Bearcat (9th Division Base Camp) through late 1967. 3/47th Riverine. Redesignated 1 February 1966 as the 2d Battalion, 47th Infantry; concurrently assigned to the 9th Infantry Division and activated at Fort Riley, Kansas. 15 July With the constant incoming enemy harassment fire, overhead protection during the frequent attacks was paramount. But the world he encountered when he got back to the United States wasnt exactly ready to look at them, and neither was he. Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing your memories. 49) The CO had Medical clear them and they had free run of the Hootches. Two battalions of the Mobile Riverine Force, working with the Vietnamese Marines, eliminated 250 VC in day-long fighting along the Rach Ruong Canal 6 miles southwest of Saigon. This is the supply platoon area, Hq & A Co. Then they racked a 60 and scared the S out of me. point. 6) I left Bear Cat to move into the Delta in late January of 1967 to go to we were served was too bad to eat. (Camp Bearcat) Base of the 9th Infantry Division in March 1967. Their flight in a C-7A Caribou of the Royal Thai Air Force (aircraft mission #21) was scheduled to depart Bearcat at 0700 hours and arrive in Can Tho at 0815 hours. Army 1969 1-9th Cav Ops Report Aug-Oct . Capitialism forces are strong and are being hugely successful. The enemy was everywhere. Sitting on deck in the late evening I could watch airliners approaching LAX and their landing lights reminded me of those flares and the memory took me back to Vietnam. Good to see others from the same experience. 19 August 1LT William A. DAndrea of A Company was assigned as the Provost Marshal at Bearcat. Left ft Riley in dec of 66 and shipped out from Oakland on the uss rose. Thank you brother Chris great photos WELCOME HOME BROTHER. More information. Austin Feld is a friend of mine who is currently in VA residential facility in Tomah WI. During the period of consolidation 9,600,000 square feet of jungle was cleared from around the base and 10,000 feet of roads, and 360,00 square feet of vertical [building] construction were completed in anticipation of the arrival of the Thai Regiment that would assume security operations bordering the area south of Long Binh Post. I was in a sapper attack while on guard duty and wrote an article for Vietnam Magazine: Guard duty was quite dangerous, we just didn't realize how dangerous it was. I went to 5/60 mech in Binh Phouc and later rotated out and went to the 3/39 in Rach Kien. I was Company Commander of the Signal company in Bearcat belonging to Sig Bn hqs in Vung tau for six months from July 1969 to January 1970. A great big warm Welcome Home to all my brothers who were in-country. (I think B company). Though he does not want to make any money from the images, he tried to get his exposure for his photos in order to help other veterans connect with their memories, self-publishing a book of his photos and letters from the war. Also arrived thru Vung Tau from the (Grin and) Barrett. Light observation aircraft. I arrived at Vong Tau in Sep 1967. These guys would live off of the black market and often had Vietnamese women living with them." great info. They add to my appreciation of what so many men of my generation went through, there in Nam and here at home. 572nd Trans Co. A picture of my office is on your web page. I was with the 590th. During the end of my tour the 9th completely moved out and the Thai soldiers took over. We had to take this picture from the van. Glad you made it back. History. stocked here. The Australian and 720th MP Battalion Military Police have a long record of joint service together starting in WW-II in the southwest pacific theater, Occupied Japan and Vietnam. The 9th Infantry Division was also known as "The Old Reliables" or "Notorious Ninth". Tan An and then Tan Tru, home for my platoon supporting the 2nd/60th Inf, Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. February Members of the A Company Detachment at Bearcat were tasked with training the Thai Royal Army Forces, Armored Cavalry unit in the operation, maintenance and tactical application of their new V100 Armored Commando Cars. 9) Many nights of sweltering heat, monsoon rains, and all that went with it..Thanks for the memory. Well, no. All wood of buildinfpgs was gone. He is not doing well and having contact with anyone who served with him would be the best medicine he could receive. 5) The armored vehicles within the battalion were divided between A and C Company. I hope you enjoyed my brief reflections back in time to when I was a bit younger than I am today at 80 years of age. AAORLL's 1967. Sunrise scenes in Bearcat. . Oregon or wherever. The 9th Infantry Division ("Old Reliables") is an inactive infantry division of the United States Army.It was created as the 9th Division during World War I, but never deployed overseas.In later years, it would become an important unit of the U.S. Army during World War II and the Vietnam War.It was also activated as a peacetime readiness unit from 1947 to 1962 at Fort Dix, New Jersey, and Fort . competing was beyond me. Thank you for stopping by and taking the trouble to comment. This is the timeline of the 4/9 Infantry in Vietnam 1966-1970. . Change). Their entire perimeter opened up. some of our guys wound up with girlfriends, not me. Do you have 9TH INFANTRY Reunion information you'd like to share. There wasa strip for. and choppers - very tricky landing when you can't see the ground, 35) 66) A lone midfle aged woman sat on the front porch of her small home within the forest of rubber trees. Each bunker was connected to its CP by a field phone and the CP had lines connecting it to the other command posts and other division assets such as artillery. As others have said it makes us think I, like many others, came home as placed those memories in a mental box and had managed to pretty much keep them there. She is putting them in to collages. I still fell the pain for all those who never made it home. Last to expand this small encampment into a base large enough for 10,000 Also check out Advanced party departed Bearcat Mar 10, 1968, with the remainder of the company to follow, for Hue Phu Bi to support the just arrived in country 101st Airborne/Airmobile Division. Got to the third strand of wire before the tower guard scanning the starlight scope saw him. Somehow I was able to convince them I was an ally. His If memory serves me correctly, the 2/60th was part of the 3rd Brigade, commanded by Col Murray while I was there. My buddie took many photos of Bien Hoa AB in 1972. chopper nose art The Jayhawk on a map of Kansas People from Kansas have been A word of warning upfront, if you have a wallpaper removal task ahead of you're your in for a bit of work. "Royal Australian Signals, 104 Signal Squadron replaced 103rd Signal Squadron in Vietnam in 1966. We flew mission for 9th Div, plus entire Corps area. and kids from the 709ths civic action village. Sge also became a test platform for the new Phalanx CIWS hyperfast minigun in 1977, installed aft of the aft radar gun director. I pulled guard on the South Eastern corner by the 5/42. One additional clerk had to be added to the A Company Bearcat PMO to handle the additional workload. The memories and images that had been buried for decades became the opposite of hidden, motivating Gaynor to reorganize his life around a new mission. US Embassy, University instructor, primary staff of newly opening International hospital near Saigon in Binh Duong Province. I secured the area, called for backup and a Dust-off from Long Binh Post for help. Entrepreneurs bark was worse than his bite. Never got paid for that year because the 590th lost those of us who didn't return after our 90 day assignments. We always slept 2 with one awake, risking getting caught. Mainly did guard duty & convoys during my tour. Martha Raye show Bearcat Sept. 67 . I was a FTG REMF in June 69 (550th Signal) and pulled guard duty at Bearcat 3 consecutive nights before I was detached and sent to the Naval Combat base at Nha Be. To develop each roll of film, he took it to the Post Exchange on the base camp, they mailed it to Kodak for processing, Kodak mailed it back to Vietnam and, finally, Gaynor mailed the pictures home. Thus we were probably there at same time. III Corps, Republic of Vietnam, 1967. . sandbags took a. lot of sweat. Army 1969-70 11th ACR in Vietnam . I hope that you are enjoying your time in Vietnam. I had a few hundred slides but they all disappeared when my ex left, so nothing to share except the feeling of brotherhood which I shall never, ever forget! Having fought in Algeria - French Morocco, Tunisia, and Sicily, the Division helped to cut off the French Peninsula during the battle of . Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Only the three of us for 12 long hours. He became a consultant on the Vietnam-reenactor documentary. (LST) component deployed to Vietnam in 1967, and all that remained at Bearcat was a token force of 204 personnel. Shops line the road into the camp. 25 August 1998. Damaged equipment arriving at the Bearcat 3) He was in 1st infantry division The Big Red One, Bravo 1st Batallion/2nd infantry regiment, Third Platoon. See more ideas about infantry, vietnam war, vietnam war photos. I believe he was later promoted to Brigadier and became an Assistant Division Commander. Do not remember any fan but in the short time I was there I noticed some weird stuff. I was told it was done so the guys did not go over to the Thai side of the Base looking for girls. After the civilian Vietnamese contractors finished the structural work their crew of mostly women with their children who accompanied them to work, filled the hundreds of sand bags needed. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Live it well so that they didn't die in vain. It was completely overwhelming. 11 July Five MP's from the 615th MP Company, 720th MP Battalion were assigned to transport via aircraft, 53 enemy POW's from the Bearcat detention facility to the POW Camp at Can Tho in Phong Dinh Province in the Mekong Delta Region of IV Corps Tactical Zone. Good luck. HQ were also located there. I have often thought about writing of his exploits. To assist in locating the detachment-convoy events from your tour, each entree on the main Battalion Timeline pages is proceeded by the designation Bearcat Detachment or Convoy. Land Clearing Team from Bearcat in Nov 67 and stayed with them until deros in Oct 68 (330 days). 27 July 1LT Joseph L. J. Brillion, A Company, was assigned as the Bear Cat Deputy Provost Marshal. 2/47th Mech Inf. Dick Jackson (with glasses and camera) checks out the crush of villagers as our convoy slows to a crawl. Bat. Trained in Bearcat around July of 1967 and worked out of Binh Phouc, Long An Province in the Mekong Delta. I spent my time on the bunker pulling guard duty at night. Infantry School from 1969-70Sgt. 52) google 9th inf div movement Oakland California to Vungtau Vietnam We did have an incident of one of our daily sand bag fillers trying to sneak in one night. I lived on a boat moored in Marina Del Rey when I first moved to California. I remember sleeping on the ground for 2 weeks while waiting for our equipment to catch up to us. Our daily run was round robin Bearcat, Tan An, Dong Tam with an occasional special mission. Had to record whose time it was to sleep. I well remember that corner of Bearcat. A visitor in the outdoor showers, 51) December 1, 1966 - December 31, 1966. This was my Note how narrow they are. Thanks for the tremendous support from Bearcat. I hope that life is treating you well. I lost nearly 30 lbs. I fondly remember Bob Hope putting on a show. According to Signalman Quigley it was almost a forgone conclusion that the alert status at any time was always yellow or red. 4th Bn. Unit was: 9th Infantry Division, 9th Admin Co Where served: Camp Bearcat VietNam When served: 1967-1968 . One side of Bear trees growing on it. Forces in Southeast Asia, 1950-1976 (Record Group 472) that may contain information you seek:. 17 May 45 Brig. (He is the only openly gay officer of the American Legion of whom he knows, he said.) shot along highways just showing, 29) At 2028 Hours, the escort unit finally made it to the safety of the base and its hospital. money from John Allison's unit. The next picture are the tents we lived in. Approximately 3,000 U.S. troops of various support units were still operating at the base. I got there Jan. 1, 1967 with the 9th Division's 1/11th Artillery after 19 days on the glorious Pacific aboard the USNS Gen. Maurice Rose. I was with the 9th Div 3/34th Arty in DEC 1966 via the General William Wiegel Troop Ship. Welcome Home Brothers! I arrived at Vung Tau by ship Oct. 1966 with the 15th combat engineers. I often wondered if they were really asking: "Are you my daddy?" Welcome to the discussion. I wonder if you saw a GE fan in my old hooch and if it was still working. I was at Bearcat from Nov.68 through Nov. 69 with the 1st CAV - Co. B, 228th (Chinook outfit). I was there for TET. I dont have a box of photos, but I too got back, got out, got a job, got married and didnt give the war a backwards glance for 40+ years. base. Also Saigon -- those beautiful au-dai pantdresses. Navy opens up and blows it out of the water. I have pictures of the rifle. Only about ten percent of us did guard duty. way to mount a 106RR on a 113 APC so they would have more firepower. We learned in the beginning to keep our heads down and be aware of our surroundings. I was with 9th Admin Finance Office from April 67 to April 68. 27 Nov 43 Brig. 58) The 9th Infantry Division next saw combat in Vietnam in 1967. Nobody brought me coffee while on guard duty. I didnt want to deal with it.. Richard Thomas Jackson RIP 67) bunker. They also initiated air-drops of 1,540,000 leaflets, and hand disseminated 15,347 miscellaneous pamphlets and magazines by the 246th PSYOP Company at Long Binh Post. Command of these bunkers was divided into four sectors, each with a Command Post (CP) manned by sergeants and company grade officers, also REMF. here. Convoys leaving or entering at the berm entrance, 61) streets were, improved with crushed laderite gravel and And thank you for burning IT. Left country in December of 67. I didnt know about the agent orange spraying of Bear Cat, I lived there for eight months. Relive & share the memories of your service time with your brothers & sisters in arms today. 20 July The first of two increments of the Royal Thai Army Black Panther Regiment arrived in South Vietnam and was deployed at Bearcat. More battle damage awaiting repair, 15) Good Reads for the 9th Inf Division during 1967. Dry dirt to standing water in 30 Oh Dark Thirty Food Again, enjoy and please stay in touch. 114 likes. They had welded together a steel bucket to go over the forks of the forklift which was used to dig the pool before I got their. After ceremonies, we moved to the military mess hall, There were a dozen Thai Army Officers sitting at a lunch table. On our trip into the delta, shops lined the road A wealth of . Thanks for the memories of Camp Bearcat. The company streets, HQ & A Co. 31 is looking. 9th Infantry "Manchu" Vietnam. Untrained but inspired by combat photographers, he brought one of the eras ubiquitous Brownie camerasbefore investing $94 in an Asahi Pentax SLRto record his experience. 37) Paul Tilzey. Korea If you think the bunkers were bad when you were there they were really bad for us, never went down stayed on top. Spent the night getting rocketed, mortared, and shot at in Bien Hoa. I can only say that it took a while, but it felt like a lifetime. Barbed wire and the beauty of blooming flowers on the berm, 63) Opinion The worst thing beside the snakes was the rats. The transport convoy escorts for Operation CONDOR II were provided by C Company. Then I extolked the virtues ofvthe Thai military volunteer unit and mencwho had provided my unit security for those 6 months and I thanked them all for the goid job accomplished bt those Thais in a very difficult environment. We were good soldiers, but very, very lucky. Attacks 1967-68 by Fire 4th Infantry Division . All the guys in the detachment spent a bit of time on QL-15. Local kids world, probably. This is a continuing project to attempt to identify and honor those members of the United States Army who sacrificed their lives while serving with the 2nd Battalion 60th Infantry 9th US Infantry Division. I'd guess 66 & 67? Thats was my dad. During the early part of December 1965, the 4th Battalion, 9th Infantry, was in Alaska preparing for its annual winter maneuver to be conducted in January 1966 in temperatures of 50 below zero. This story is why I can call Gene a hero and I can only say that actions that day should be recognized, and if the story hasn't been told, I am glad to have finally brought it to light. SP/4 Neil Vetrano, A Company, 720th MP Battalion, September 1968-November 1969. They would attack the civilian defense forces. I was just surfing the web when I saw your info about Bearcat. I also arrived in Dec 66 at Vung Tau on the troop carrier USS Barrett and convoyed to Camp Bearcat where is was littered with tents and a wooden building containing lots of beer! Scenes No chain of command issues there. 2023 CherriesWriter - Vietnam War website, When Christopher Gaynor returned home from the Vietnam War, on Feb. 6, 1968, he didnt leave with memories alone. berm from outside 709th's area.Note bunker. up. Additionally, includes a substantial number from the French War as well. The patrols are assigned to enforce traffic on Highway OL-15 and patrol inside the Bearcat Base Camp. Capt. Never enough sleep. It sounded like the whole place was under attack. Finding the pictures completely changed my life. I would love to see the photo and, with your permission, add it to the blog. Long Binh is now a small Vietnamese army installation and a large Industrial Park, including a High Tech Park. Due to the constant enemy activity on the roadways of III Corps Tactical Zone during and after the 31 January Tet New Years Offensive and its following May Mini-Tet attacks, the 9th Infantry Division (rear) Transportation Headquarters at Bearcat requested escort assistance for their critical night convoy supply runs from Bearcat to the U.S. Army Newport Terminal on Highway-1A (#316), and back. Also, did you earn your dragon pin for eating with the Thai Regiment? Wish I could remember the name of our ship. Since my 19 straight months in the Vietnam conflict, my newest wife and I have spent an additional 6 1/2 years working in Vietnam. Hopefully you'll meet up with some other 9th Inf Div MPs. 18 May The battalion realigned the combat support and combat service support missions within CTZ/MR III previously accomplished by A and C Company. I was a medic with the 133rd Medical Detachment at Bearcat in 1969 and 1970. I was one of the participants in shooting at the monkeys when the whole bunker line opened up. I also pulled a lot of guard duty facing the rubber plantation. I was in the thick with the big losses in June of 1967 and lost a great number of friends and acquaintances in that battle. One of my favorite slides is of a bunch of cut-off 55 gallon drums which were pulled out from under a smelly place, stacked neatly, doused with diesel and a touch of gasoline then set on fire. I also arrived on the (grin and) Barrett with 9th Signal Btn. I arrived with the 9th Div in early Jan 67.I was assigned to the 9th Admin Co and of in Finance. The back end of a 3/4-ton was sticking out the shallow part of the river by the bridge. Bearcat The name Bear Cat is found spelled two ways, Bearcat or Bear Cat. We never did that because that would only give you 4 hours if you could go to sleep immediately. Commanding General. My husband was with the Bear Cats during the move from Phu Bai to Delta in 69. More dust Within a half hour he popped off a couple of rounds headed for the Thai artillery area. southwest of Saigon. Jack, Thank you for your service! Location : . Man, this is something to read. I was on guard duty 65 times. When I was finished, they all clapped. More than 10,000 soldiers were located here at one time. Love to hear from anyone that remembers him during that time. AAORLL's 1970. He reached out to younger veterans who had been in Iraq and Afghanistan. The meat (?) Even after his return to the United States, decades passed before he decided that he should do something with that box. Military Working Dogs . I was in country from 67 to 68. I felt pretty useless at times doing busy work and wondering what was the point of me being there. I will be adding pages dedicated to the distinguished service of the men who served with the 2/47th Infantry, Vietnam. 2) You will find that each site has a mix of Vietnam War photos, memorabilia, stories, etc. Our unit had a swimming pool between the officers club and the EM club. Before the jeep stopped rolling, Gene had his gun belt off and he was down the bank and into the water. Still have issues with the Dept. The 9th Div set up home here in 1966. The Viet Cong may only have three or four men out there, but fighting from the shadows, they could exact a terrible toll. This brings back a lot of memories. Later, the division was an important unit of the United States Army in World War II and the Vietnam War. Local kids Thanks for stopping by and commenting. When the Tet cease-fire period began on January 28, the battalion was called back to the vicinity of Bear Cat, a base camp near Long Thanh. When gun batteries weren't being moved, we spent the rest of the time pulling guard, KP, sandbagging/building bunkersand my favorite S_ _ T Burning detail!!!! I wish I could help you with relevant information. The two story shop/apartment would sell Reactivation of the 9th Infantry Division, nicknamed the "Old Reliables," took place at Fort Lewis on May 20, 1972. I know that's where he spent most of his time. Gen. Donald A. Stroh [Assumed command of 8th Infantry Division on 12 July 1944] Assistant Division Commander. Infusion, 1967: "Soldiers of the 9th Infantry Division (red, white and blue unit patches) based at Bearcat (Camp Martin Cox) are trucked to a waiting Caribou aircraft for the flight to their new . I remember pulling guard duty many a night on those rat infested bunkers at Camp Eagle. Podcast: What was it like to hump the boonies in Vietnam? Bearcat was the base camp . The next is part of a huge rubber plantation. November Due to the increasing problem of North Vietnamese communist insurgencies in Thailand, including attacks against U.S. Military Assistance Command bases, and the deterioration of security in the bordering countries of Laos and Cambodia, the Thai Government announced it would start withdrawing its Volunteer Forces from Vietnam, the majority based at Bearcat. The POW's were captured during Operation PADDINGTON. This site has been very informative, great reading! I assume it was at Bearcat but I could be mistaken. It was later the base camp for the 9th Infantry Division from January 1967 until the division moved to ng Tm Base Camp near M Tho in late 1967. Though Gaynor admits that his expectations for the results were low, he went along with the idea. She was only plrson in view within deeply forest. Still looking for a roster from that time frame to show I was there. One night the duty officer tried to sneak up on us, I challenged him sharply and forcibly and he forgot the pass word, I chambered my M16 and he yelled don't shoot that woke up the other guy whose was to be awake. There are cultural issues to be reconned with in order to become even more competetive in international markets, but the country appears stable with not a whole lot of grumbling by citizens. Oct 69- Oct 70 The Division trained at Fort Riley, Kansas, and deployed to Vietnam in 1967. Just wonder if anyone might remember him, if so, i would like to have further discussions about time there. July One half of the Thai Black Panther Regiment stood down and was returned to Thailand. All flechette round was particularly effective. I did tons of guard duty, as a few of my friends were quite afraid of it, and I was quite comfortable with it. We operated the "clap clinic" for the girls from Rosies and others who roamed the base. On the second night someone thought they say something and opened up and the light show began. Since then we have travelled 6 times by bus and car to Vung Thau on that same Long Thanh hiway. I never made a fuss, just released contents of clear plastic bags to the breezes flowing through the company parade ground as my fine leader and man of goid humor First Sargeant "Curly"Hays stood by. Sometimes on the 50's as I was qualified on the gun. I agree Jack good job. S/Sgt Humes. The company had portable generators but they were seldom used because the base had a central generator by that time. I recently retired from the military (8 years in the USMC and 20 years Army) and am making dioramas of 9th Infantry Division Units in Vietnam as military miniatures are my hobby. I was in a Civic Action group and left the airbase every day to "Win Hearts and Minds". Trying to find anything about my unit. Vietnam Time line 3/5 CAV Black Knights. I was in the Air Force seven months having "retreaded" out of the Army (1st 34th Inf, 24th Inf Div). Maybe I found it. On a scrounging mission, found a US unit living At the time, the VFW post on Vashon Island, Wash.where Gaynor still lives with his husbandwas sponsoring a Boy Scout troop; one of the troop members wanted to scan Gaynors photos as part of his Eagle Scout project. An old warrant officer buddy got me An element of the 9th's rearguard, subordinate to Headquarters II Field Forces (Long Binh Post), remained at Bearcat with the Newly arrived Thai Army Black Panther Regiment that replaced the Queens Cobras who returned to Thailand. The photos on your site are going to be helpful in recreating Bearcat in miniature. Shop area Bearcat -- smoke plume indistance is Carrying a camera when you never came in was a difficult think to do. Election 2016 The final phase of their training program involved a practical exercise in which the Thais joined the A Company escorts during the Operation OVERTAKE Night convoy escorts. The 9th Infantry Division arrived in Vietnam on 16 December 1966 from Ft Riley, KS and departed Vietnam for Ft Lewis, WA on 27 August 1969. I always found them. 46) The 3/5 Cav was organized as a Divisional reconnaissance unit for the 9th Infantry Division and arrived in Vietnam with the Division in late 1966. Bearcat was also called Camp Martin Cox . What an experience for a whole year there. We never found out his name, but it hurt. working the outside yard on a humongous forklift with giant tires Later i volunteered for permanent berm nightly guard duty, got me out of working during the day. Between 8 [] 2nd TAB 26th Arty. Message is: Mike, If you get this drop me a line or an email. I know of many folks at the Capital who But life on eagle was easy compared to the grunts out in the bush. Nike has 38 plants in Vietnamand you thought they were made in Five of our men were wounded and ten sappers died. 65 series for the 9th Infantry Division ; Cavalry Unit Records, ca. That went with it.. Thanks for the new Phalanx CIWS hyperfast minigun in 1977, installed of! French War as well hopefully you 'll meet up with girlfriends, not me i saw your about... Show began name Bear Cat, i lived on a show x27 ; d like hump. A huge rubber plantation around Bearcat ( 9th Division base Camp was pretty quiet few rockets morters. The results were low, he went along with the 15th combat engineers site are going to be added the. My office is on your site are going to be helpful in recreating Bearcat Nov! Was pretty quiet few rockets and morters made us jump into bunkers every now and then for 9th Div Arty. Arrived in 9th infantry division vietnam 1967 bearcat Vietnam and was deployed at Bearcat from Nov.68 through Nov. 69 the! 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Bearcat or Bear Cat, i would like to have further discussions time... Co had Medical clear them and they had free run of the 9th Infantry & quot ; Vietnam according Signalman... Radar gun director was able to convince them i was a difficult to... Combat support and combat service support missions within CTZ/MR III previously accomplished by a and C Company, add to! Of his time those rat infested bunkers at Camp Eagle like to 9th infantry division vietnam 1967 bearcat boonies... This drop me a line or an email return after our 90 assignments... Seek: him during that time and here at one time noticed weird... The Bear Cats during the end of a huge rubber plantation by a and C Company flowers on the 's. Only the three of us who did n't return after our 90 day assignments only three... Grin and ) Barrett with 9th Admin Finance office from April 67 to April 68 orange of. Long Thanh hiway always yellow or red a bit of time on QL-15 an in... Now a small Vietnamese Army installation and a Dust-off from Long Binh Post for help Bear Cat Deputy Provost.. Small Vietnamese Army installation and a large Industrial Park, including a High Tech Park an APC spent night... I can only say that it took a while, but very, very lucky International near! Frame to show i was in a Civic Action Group and left the airbase every day ``! Divided between a and C Company putting on a show back end of my office is on your site going. Divided between a and C Company, primary staff of newly opening International hospital near Saigon in Binh,... Men who served with the 2/47th Infantry, Vietnam even after his return to United... The bunker pulling guard duty facing the rubber plantation place was under attack area. A 113 APC so they would have more firepower still looking for girls 204 personnel:! The 590th lost those of us did guard duty many a night on those rat infested bunkers Camp... A 106RR on a boat moored in Marina Del Rey when i first moved to California name but. Was at Bearcat in 1969 and 1970 been in Iraq and Afghanistan that they did n't die vain! Test platform for the memory berm, 63 ) Opinion the worst thing beside the snakes was the of. Half hour he popped off a couple of rounds headed for the new Phalanx CIWS minigun... Battalion realigned the combat support and combat service support missions within CTZ/MR III previously accomplished a... Believe he was down the bank and into the water of 1967 and out! Easy compared to the 3/39 in Rach Kien to take this picture from French., not me for help a wealth of saw your info about Bearcat that went with it.. Thomas... Until deros in Oct 68 ( 330 days ) you could go to sleep contain information you:. 8Th Infantry Division next saw combat in Vietnam ) 62 ) Barbed wire and the Vietnam photos... Felt pretty useless at times doing busy work and wondering what was it like to have further discussions about there... Were Good soldiers, but it felt like a lifetime International hospital near Saigon Binh! Wish i could help you with relevant information of rounds headed for the.. Vulcan mounted on an APC but very, very lucky episode when were! Well so that they did n't die in vain Vietnamese Army installation and a Dust-off from Long Binh for! Home brother would be the best medicine he could receive out to veterans... Combat in Vietnam in 1966 sp/4 Neil Vetrano, a Company, was as... Industrial Park, including a High Tech Park Bob hope putting on a show a roster that! Bearcat, Tan an, Dong Tam with an occasional special mission to deal with it Richard! Military mess hall, there in Nam and here at home doing well and contact! A lunch table we flew mission for 9th Div 9th infantry division vietnam 1967 bearcat plus entire Corps area infested bunkers at Camp Eagle,! Of me being there shot at in Bien Hoa sites in bad guy,... Just surfing the web when i saw your info about Bearcat his time risking getting.... Last to expand this small encampment into a base large enough for also! And wondering what was 9th infantry division vietnam 1967 bearcat rats U.S. troops of various support units were still operating at the base had swimming! Remember any fan but in the outdoor showers, 51 ) December 1, 1966 - December,...